Looks like Airborne is closing his blog. I found him through an article on MSN.com and it seems like that article is a reason for his undoing. I'm sorry to hear that because it was interesting to hear a soldier's prospective of what was really going on.
Although he'll no longer be posting, until maybe after he's out of the war, he's still in my thoughs and prayers for a safe return.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
10 days in a row
Okay, I'm about done with the rain! I was watching our local news and they mentioned we've had rain 10 days in a row. Supposedly it will be dry Thu/Fri/Sat and then rain again on Sunday.
I tell you what it was nasty today. Where I sit at work there are no windows. I was going to the restroom and I could see the windows and it was pitch black outside! I went to take a look and it was just incredible how dark it was. It looked like I was working at midnight. Of course the first thing I think - my dog!
We've not yet bought our prissy little dog a doghouse yet to take cover from the rain. And well she got away - again! sigh.
So the guy who had her gave me his address but we ended up meeting between the both of us. I did look up his address before we met and it was over 7 miles away, past a major highway. One of my friends mentioned that maybe they found her closer to my home and they just took her to their home. So I asked this when we met.
Nope!! She actually walked, ran, jogged whatever to their side of town. The wife had the door open getting ready to go, turned around to do something, turned back around and there was M&M inside their house. They also have a husky so she decided to keep M&M and put her with their dog. M&M being the big mean dog she is (so not) started fighting with their dog (which they told me is much bigger than M&M).
When I drove home with her she wasn't as hyper in my car as she normally is. When we got home she went straight to the water bowl. And she's been laying down ever since. Even when Mr. M came in the door she just laid there. I guess walking over 7 miles kind of wears you out.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
I tell you what it was nasty today. Where I sit at work there are no windows. I was going to the restroom and I could see the windows and it was pitch black outside! I went to take a look and it was just incredible how dark it was. It looked like I was working at midnight. Of course the first thing I think - my dog!
We've not yet bought our prissy little dog a doghouse yet to take cover from the rain. And well she got away - again! sigh.
So the guy who had her gave me his address but we ended up meeting between the both of us. I did look up his address before we met and it was over 7 miles away, past a major highway. One of my friends mentioned that maybe they found her closer to my home and they just took her to their home. So I asked this when we met.
Nope!! She actually walked, ran, jogged whatever to their side of town. The wife had the door open getting ready to go, turned around to do something, turned back around and there was M&M inside their house. They also have a husky so she decided to keep M&M and put her with their dog. M&M being the big mean dog she is (so not) started fighting with their dog (which they told me is much bigger than M&M).
When I drove home with her she wasn't as hyper in my car as she normally is. When we got home she went straight to the water bowl. And she's been laying down ever since. Even when Mr. M came in the door she just laid there. I guess walking over 7 miles kind of wears you out.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Sunday, May 27, 2007
The List of 4
So Miss Lara has tagged me for a meme. I have to tell ya Lara I have no clue what a meme stands for and I'm being too lazy to look it up. :-) So here ya go, my list:
4 jobs I have held:
1. cotton candy maker at a local amusement park
2. video store clerk
3. telemarketer (doesn't everyone do this at least once? How horrible this job is!!!)
4. writer of training materials in current "envelope stuffing company"
4 movies I can watch over and over:
{I have to limit myself to just 4?}
1. The Color Purple
2. Stephen King's The Stand
3. The Shawshank Redemption
4. The Goonies
4 places I have lived:
{As my personal information says, born and bred Texan!}
1. Amarillo, TX
2. Arlington, TX
3. Dallas, TX
4. Denton, TX
4 categories of TV programming I enjoy:
1. Reality TV - Survivor and Big Brother mostly (hubby hates all reality tv)
2. Crime fighting shows - CSI: Las Vegas and all Law & Orders
3. Comedies - My Name is Earl and we just love The Office
4. Drama - Heroes and Lost
4 places I have been on holiday:
1. Cozumel, Mexico (first holiday with hubby)
2. Disneyworld, FL
3. Telluride and Ouray, Colorado (if I did move from Texas it would be to this area)
4. Took a day trip to NYC when working in our PA office
4 websites I visit daily:
{I don't know about daily, but often}
1. MSN/Hotmail
2. My blog and bloggy friends
3. Flyertalk.com
4. TruthorFiction.com
4 of my favorite dishes:
1. Eggs, bacon and toast (breakfast is good anytime!)
2. Chicken strip basket from Dairy Queen
3. Fajitas
4. Mongonlian Beef from Pei Wei
4 places I'd rather be right now:
{I'm going to pretend that money is no object here}
1. Touring England, especially Scotland
2. Touring the United States (this would be one of those things I'd like to do if I won the lottery, hop in a car and just drive around with no goal in mind. Stopping when I felt like it to look at shops or historical spots. Pull up to a hotel and stay for the night, get up when I felt like it and drive to the next stop)
3. At a landscape store buying anything and everything I would love for my backyard
4. In the mountains in Colorado
4 other blogger buddies to do this meme/list:
{I only have a few that I "know" visit me, so by default you're named. :-) }
1. Computer Diva
2. Texas Grind
3. Queen P
4. Lynnski
4 jobs I have held:
1. cotton candy maker at a local amusement park
2. video store clerk
3. telemarketer (doesn't everyone do this at least once? How horrible this job is!!!)
4. writer of training materials in current "envelope stuffing company"
4 movies I can watch over and over:
{I have to limit myself to just 4?}
1. The Color Purple
2. Stephen King's The Stand
3. The Shawshank Redemption
4. The Goonies
4 places I have lived:
{As my personal information says, born and bred Texan!}
1. Amarillo, TX
2. Arlington, TX
3. Dallas, TX
4. Denton, TX
4 categories of TV programming I enjoy:
1. Reality TV - Survivor and Big Brother mostly (hubby hates all reality tv)
2. Crime fighting shows - CSI: Las Vegas and all Law & Orders
3. Comedies - My Name is Earl and we just love The Office
4. Drama - Heroes and Lost
4 places I have been on holiday:
1. Cozumel, Mexico (first holiday with hubby)
2. Disneyworld, FL
3. Telluride and Ouray, Colorado (if I did move from Texas it would be to this area)
4. Took a day trip to NYC when working in our PA office
4 websites I visit daily:
{I don't know about daily, but often}
1. MSN/Hotmail
2. My blog and bloggy friends
3. Flyertalk.com
4. TruthorFiction.com
4 of my favorite dishes:
1. Eggs, bacon and toast (breakfast is good anytime!)
2. Chicken strip basket from Dairy Queen
3. Fajitas
4. Mongonlian Beef from Pei Wei
4 places I'd rather be right now:
{I'm going to pretend that money is no object here}
1. Touring England, especially Scotland
2. Touring the United States (this would be one of those things I'd like to do if I won the lottery, hop in a car and just drive around with no goal in mind. Stopping when I felt like it to look at shops or historical spots. Pull up to a hotel and stay for the night, get up when I felt like it and drive to the next stop)
3. At a landscape store buying anything and everything I would love for my backyard
4. In the mountains in Colorado
4 other blogger buddies to do this meme/list:
{I only have a few that I "know" visit me, so by default you're named. :-) }
1. Computer Diva
2. Texas Grind
3. Queen P
4. Lynnski
Yo Ho Ho - A Pirate's Life For Me!
I've now seen the 3rd movie of my 4 anticipated movies - Pirate's!
Of course it was a good movie and Johnny Depp was great! I do, however, recommend that you watch the 2nd one again before you watch the 3rd. Mr. M and I found ourselves a little lost with the story line because we didn't exactly remember what happened in the 2nd show.
And the one time that we don't stay till the very end (after all the credits) I hear there is a little surprise. We usually always stay till the end after big movies like that... why we didn't this time I don't know! ARGH!
Anywho, good movie... enjoy it maties!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Of course it was a good movie and Johnny Depp was great! I do, however, recommend that you watch the 2nd one again before you watch the 3rd. Mr. M and I found ourselves a little lost with the story line because we didn't exactly remember what happened in the 2nd show.
And the one time that we don't stay till the very end (after all the credits) I hear there is a little surprise. We usually always stay till the end after big movies like that... why we didn't this time I don't know! ARGH!
Anywho, good movie... enjoy it maties!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Thursday, May 24, 2007
My dog and the rain
It has been decided that M&M does not like the rain.
I knew that she didn't like the sprinklers and taking a bath but I didn't think that the rain was that big of a deal to her. But it seems that everytime it rains she finds a way out of our yard.
As you can guess we got rain today! Mr M got home and there was a note on our door from our neighbor advising us that they had our dog. Good thing because evidently before she escaped our yard she got her dog collar with all her tags that identify her off her neck.
I think I've finally convinced Mr. M that we need to get her a dog house. If for anything else but to get out of the rain. He keeps trying to compare her to the dog he grew up with "my dog never went into his dog house..." Well M&M is a prissy little girl and she probably will.
So we'll start looking at prices and different types and see what we can get her. Hopefully this will help. Plus I won't feel so bad when I hear there's a storm coming while we're at work. And with all the funky weather we've been having lately I just feel better about it.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
I knew that she didn't like the sprinklers and taking a bath but I didn't think that the rain was that big of a deal to her. But it seems that everytime it rains she finds a way out of our yard.
As you can guess we got rain today! Mr M got home and there was a note on our door from our neighbor advising us that they had our dog. Good thing because evidently before she escaped our yard she got her dog collar with all her tags that identify her off her neck.
I think I've finally convinced Mr. M that we need to get her a dog house. If for anything else but to get out of the rain. He keeps trying to compare her to the dog he grew up with "my dog never went into his dog house..." Well M&M is a prissy little girl and she probably will.
So we'll start looking at prices and different types and see what we can get her. Hopefully this will help. Plus I won't feel so bad when I hear there's a storm coming while we're at work. And with all the funky weather we've been having lately I just feel better about it.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
This was sent to me at work and I thought it was a little funny so had to share. My favorite is #7. Enjoy!
Colonoscopies are no joke, but these comments during the exam were quite humorous. A physician claimed that the following are actual comments made by his patients (predominately male) while he was performing their colonoscopies:
1. "Take it easy, Doc. You're boldly going where no man has gone before!
2. "Find Amelia Earhart yet?"
3. "Can you hear me NOW?"
4. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"
5. "You know, in Arkansas, we're now legally married."
6. "Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?"
7. "You put your left hand in, you take your left handout..."
8. "Hey! Now I know how a Muppet feels!"
9. "If your hand doesn't fit, you must quit!
10. "Hey Doc, let me know if you find my dignity."
11. "You used to be an executive at Enron, didn't you?"..
12. "Could you write a note for my wife saying that myhead is not up there?"
Colonoscopies are no joke, but these comments during the exam were quite humorous. A physician claimed that the following are actual comments made by his patients (predominately male) while he was performing their colonoscopies:
1. "Take it easy, Doc. You're boldly going where no man has gone before!
2. "Find Amelia Earhart yet?"
3. "Can you hear me NOW?"
4. "Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?"
5. "You know, in Arkansas, we're now legally married."
6. "Any sign of the trapped miners, Chief?"
7. "You put your left hand in, you take your left handout..."
8. "Hey! Now I know how a Muppet feels!"
9. "If your hand doesn't fit, you must quit!
10. "Hey Doc, let me know if you find my dignity."
11. "You used to be an executive at Enron, didn't you?"..
12. "Could you write a note for my wife saying that myhead is not up there?"
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Superbowl 2011
So it was announced today that Dallas will host the 2011 Superbowl!
Whoopty freakin doo!
Me and a couple of friends of mine at work were talking about this. We said "make your travel arrangements now to be out of the city". I understand it will bring in revenue to our city, of which I'm sure I'll not see anything really done with it, but I don't want to be in the midst of it all.
Me and my bf were also talking about it tonight. At first we also agreed to high tail it out of town. Then I told her that's when all of our "friends and family" will be calling asking if they can stay with us. THEN we decided we could rent out our extra rooms, make some extra cash. Okay, I know that will never happen, but would be funny.
Speaking of funny. I think it's funny how they chose Dallas and the new Cowboy Stadium. There not even done with the stadium. As a matter of fact have they even started building it? How do you choose a stadium that's not complete, how do you know what it will be like and stuff? Truthfully I could care less about the Cowboys Stadium. Just because I'm in Dallas does not mean I like the Cowboys. I don't really like football. But when people ask who my favorite team is I respond, "Whomever is playing against the Cowgirls!" :-)
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Whoopty freakin doo!
Me and a couple of friends of mine at work were talking about this. We said "make your travel arrangements now to be out of the city". I understand it will bring in revenue to our city, of which I'm sure I'll not see anything really done with it, but I don't want to be in the midst of it all.
Me and my bf were also talking about it tonight. At first we also agreed to high tail it out of town. Then I told her that's when all of our "friends and family" will be calling asking if they can stay with us. THEN we decided we could rent out our extra rooms, make some extra cash. Okay, I know that will never happen, but would be funny.
Speaking of funny. I think it's funny how they chose Dallas and the new Cowboy Stadium. There not even done with the stadium. As a matter of fact have they even started building it? How do you choose a stadium that's not complete, how do you know what it will be like and stuff? Truthfully I could care less about the Cowboys Stadium. Just because I'm in Dallas does not mean I like the Cowboys. I don't really like football. But when people ask who my favorite team is I respond, "Whomever is playing against the Cowgirls!" :-)
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Friday, May 18, 2007
Shrek the Third
As I mentioned in my post yesterday I couldn't wait to see Shrek 3.
Mr. M and I met Computer Diva and her hubby at a local Movie Tavern to watch tonight. I thought it was very good. We got there a little early so sat at the bar and had a drink. The lady bartender had on a hat with a feather, a tail, a sword and whiskers on her face. It was cute she asked, "who am I?" Puss N Boots! I love Puss N Boots! They so got how a cat is... the 1st movie where he hacks up a hairball... classic! There were a few others working there that were dressed up as well. It was a good movie, I highly suggest it.
Did I mention I like Puss N Boots? :-)

~ Wolf Lover Girl
Mr. M and I met Computer Diva and her hubby at a local Movie Tavern to watch tonight. I thought it was very good. We got there a little early so sat at the bar and had a drink. The lady bartender had on a hat with a feather, a tail, a sword and whiskers on her face. It was cute she asked, "who am I?" Puss N Boots! I love Puss N Boots! They so got how a cat is... the 1st movie where he hacks up a hairball... classic! There were a few others working there that were dressed up as well. It was a good movie, I highly suggest it.
Did I mention I like Puss N Boots? :-)
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Anticipated Movies
There are several movies this year that I just can't wait for.
1. Spider Man 3: saw it last weekend. I won't give any of it away but my one gripe. Of course there's lots of fight scenes. But they had this one where it was night and they're going in between buildings and everything and it was just so dark I couldn't figure out what was going on. What I did like... the intro. As the credits are playing they do a bit of a recap of both of the movies that lead up to this one. Also, there is a preview of the Harry Potter Movie. {Sorry no link to the official website... I've seen enough previews for this one!}
2. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (July 13): I haven't read one book, sad huh? I had a friend who was talking about a character and I asked, "was she in one of the movies? No... then I don't know who she is" :-) {preview from the link to official website}
3. Pirates of the Caribbean at Worlds End (May 24): Gotta love me some Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. Oh and the movie is good too! {I'm sure there's a preview, didn't really check}
4. Shrek the Third (May 18 - tomorrow!): I love all the Shrek movies, they're so funny. AND Baskin Robbins usually has this really cool sherbert that comes out every time the movie is out. It's grape and apple sherbert with pop rocks. Yeah I know, I'm wierd... my husband just doesn't understand. {preview from the link to official website}
I keep thinking there is another one but it's slipping my mind right now.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
1. Spider Man 3: saw it last weekend. I won't give any of it away but my one gripe. Of course there's lots of fight scenes. But they had this one where it was night and they're going in between buildings and everything and it was just so dark I couldn't figure out what was going on. What I did like... the intro. As the credits are playing they do a bit of a recap of both of the movies that lead up to this one. Also, there is a preview of the Harry Potter Movie. {Sorry no link to the official website... I've seen enough previews for this one!}
2. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (July 13): I haven't read one book, sad huh? I had a friend who was talking about a character and I asked, "was she in one of the movies? No... then I don't know who she is" :-) {preview from the link to official website}
3. Pirates of the Caribbean at Worlds End (May 24): Gotta love me some Johnny Depp and Orlando Bloom. Oh and the movie is good too! {I'm sure there's a preview, didn't really check}
4. Shrek the Third (May 18 - tomorrow!): I love all the Shrek movies, they're so funny. AND Baskin Robbins usually has this really cool sherbert that comes out every time the movie is out. It's grape and apple sherbert with pop rocks. Yeah I know, I'm wierd... my husband just doesn't understand. {preview from the link to official website}
I keep thinking there is another one but it's slipping my mind right now.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Bad Dream Woke Me Up
I had the most wierd dream last night. And I know it probably had something to do with watching Lost last night and this game hubby is playing.
So I'm outside by some cliff that leads to a river I guess. I'm watching this plane go up in the air and as it peaks it makes this horrible sound. I turn to whomever is with me and say "I hate it when it does that" As if this happens all the time to planes. Then it takes a nose dive straight to the ground and explodes! I guess I'm so close I can feel the heat.
There is this fire truck close by but noone really around so I go hop in to drive out to the fire. But I'm on this small section of land prior to the cliff that goes down to the river so I have to try and turn it around to go the other way. For some reason the stick to the speed shift is way down on the floor so I have to reach way down to change it. While backing up this thing I don't maneuver very well and the back end of the truck starts to go over the cliff.
I woke up with such a jolt that it gave me a horrible headache. I was able to get back to sleep but when I finally woke up for my morning workout I still had a horrible headache. I've since then taken 2 pills and it went away. Man, I hate those type of dreams.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
So I'm outside by some cliff that leads to a river I guess. I'm watching this plane go up in the air and as it peaks it makes this horrible sound. I turn to whomever is with me and say "I hate it when it does that" As if this happens all the time to planes. Then it takes a nose dive straight to the ground and explodes! I guess I'm so close I can feel the heat.
There is this fire truck close by but noone really around so I go hop in to drive out to the fire. But I'm on this small section of land prior to the cliff that goes down to the river so I have to try and turn it around to go the other way. For some reason the stick to the speed shift is way down on the floor so I have to reach way down to change it. While backing up this thing I don't maneuver very well and the back end of the truck starts to go over the cliff.
I woke up with such a jolt that it gave me a horrible headache. I was able to get back to sleep but when I finally woke up for my morning workout I still had a horrible headache. I've since then taken 2 pills and it went away. Man, I hate those type of dreams.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
High Water Bill
This is just incredible.
Must read the following first before watching video below.
Jennifer and Luke kept getting huge water bills. They knew beyond a doubt that the bills weren't representative of their actual usage, and no matter how they tried to conserve, the high bills continued. Although they could see nothing wrong, they had everything checked for leaks or problems: first the water meter, then outdoor pipes, indoor pipes, underground pipes, faucets, toilets, washer, ice maker, etc. - all to no avail. One day Luke was sick and stayed home in bed, but kept hearing water running downstairs. He finally tore himself from his sick bed to investigate, and stumbled onto the cause of such high water bills. Apparently this was happening all day long when they were not at home. Knowing that few would believe him, he taped a segment of the 'problem' for posterity...
Video of high water bill problem.
Isn't that just the funniest?
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Must read the following first before watching video below.
Jennifer and Luke kept getting huge water bills. They knew beyond a doubt that the bills weren't representative of their actual usage, and no matter how they tried to conserve, the high bills continued. Although they could see nothing wrong, they had everything checked for leaks or problems: first the water meter, then outdoor pipes, indoor pipes, underground pipes, faucets, toilets, washer, ice maker, etc. - all to no avail. One day Luke was sick and stayed home in bed, but kept hearing water running downstairs. He finally tore himself from his sick bed to investigate, and stumbled onto the cause of such high water bills. Apparently this was happening all day long when they were not at home. Knowing that few would believe him, he taped a segment of the 'problem' for posterity...
Video of high water bill problem.
Isn't that just the funniest?
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Public Announcement - Thieves at Gas Pump
I'm not sure if any of you have heard this before, I saw a news report about this about a month or so ago. But while you're pumping your gas thieves come up on the other side of your car, sneak in and grab your purse or whatever and take off.
Here's a video from Florida giving you tips on how to prevent this.
Interestingly one of the tips advises that you should always lock your car when you get in or get out. I've made it a habit that as soon as I get in my car I lock my door. Rogue... are you listening? :-)
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Here's a video from Florida giving you tips on how to prevent this.
Interestingly one of the tips advises that you should always lock your car when you get in or get out. I've made it a habit that as soon as I get in my car I lock my door. Rogue... are you listening? :-)
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Monday, May 14, 2007
Cost of Stamp has risen again!
ARGH! In case you didn't know, because I didn't, the cost of the First Class Mail stamp has gone up again!!!
I did bills last night and most of them I pay online, but there are those few that don't offer that option or offer an option to pay by phone for $10 or so, I won't do that. So I come in to work this morning put two bills in the mail slot, go to the small stamp machine we have to buy one more and notice the price difference.
GREAT! That means I have two bills that will be returned to me because I don't have enough on my stamp! I wonder if they will have a small window where they'll accept them. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
I did bills last night and most of them I pay online, but there are those few that don't offer that option or offer an option to pay by phone for $10 or so, I won't do that. So I come in to work this morning put two bills in the mail slot, go to the small stamp machine we have to buy one more and notice the price difference.
GREAT! That means I have two bills that will be returned to me because I don't have enough on my stamp! I wonder if they will have a small window where they'll accept them. I guess I'll have to wait and see.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Sunday, May 13, 2007
All the rain
Finally on Friday I was able to mow our lawn after weeks of rain. I'm loving the rain and glad we were able to get some fertilizer down before it all started. Our grass is sooo green! About a week and a half ago we were able to get a quick cut of the front yard before it started raining. The back hadn't been mowed in weeks and it was looking like a jungle.
The grass was so high that I kept killing the mower. Every now and then I could catch it before it died, but sometimes I'd hit a patch and it just died. Then it was so tall that I didn't find a few of M&M's bones. I'd hit one and the mower would immediately die. Half the yard I had to mow over a second time because I didn't really get it all the first round. Usually I can do the front and the back on one tank of gas. I didn't even start on the front, went straight to the back and had to re-fill the tank half way through.
The funny part though... M&M was out there while I was mowing and she was running around staying out of my way. When I would throw one of her bones out of the way she thought I was throwing it for her so she would go grab it and run around. Sometimes dropping it back in high grass. But she kept running around so much in the newly cut grass that her feet were turning green!! I tried to get a couple of pictures but you can't really tell. It was rather funny though.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
The grass was so high that I kept killing the mower. Every now and then I could catch it before it died, but sometimes I'd hit a patch and it just died. Then it was so tall that I didn't find a few of M&M's bones. I'd hit one and the mower would immediately die. Half the yard I had to mow over a second time because I didn't really get it all the first round. Usually I can do the front and the back on one tank of gas. I didn't even start on the front, went straight to the back and had to re-fill the tank half way through.
The funny part though... M&M was out there while I was mowing and she was running around staying out of my way. When I would throw one of her bones out of the way she thought I was throwing it for her so she would go grab it and run around. Sometimes dropping it back in high grass. But she kept running around so much in the newly cut grass that her feet were turning green!! I tried to get a couple of pictures but you can't really tell. It was rather funny though.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Thursday, May 10, 2007
So much drama!
I have a co-worker, great guy have worked with him for years, but he is really irritating the h*ll out of me the past few days.
I'm not exactly sure what he does all day - work related that is - but I can tell you what he does most of the day that's not work related. And that's talk on the phone to his friends and family. And then when he's done talking to them he has to come to me or other co-workers to re-hash what he just talked to his friends and/or family about. The thing is, he talks VERY LOUD, so really we've heard the conversation already, well at least his side of it.
The latest drama involves his mom wanting him to visit this weekend since it's Mother's Day, his birthday happens to fall this weekend as well and he really doesn't want to. Of course mom is giving him a big ole guilt trip and saying that all of her kids are bad. These "kids" including my co-worker are older adults. A few of them have families of their own... anywho he keeps telling me how bad he feels because his mom is making him feel bad... I'm really starting to not care.
Then the other day someone in another department said they heard that someone was let go from our department. Co-worker was in my office when this was said. The rest of that day he was paranoid that they were going to let him go. I would ask "why would they let you go?" He said because he had called in sick one day last week. WHAT?!?! So our company gives you sick days but if actually use them they'll fire you... that's what you're saying? So paranoid. He finally found out what really happened it as a trainee from a training class... sheesh
So here's Mr. Paranoia about being fired for "calling in sick" but he has no problem being on the phone almost all day talking to his friends and family. AND it's all long distance!!!!! Hello... our company has been chatting non-stop about cutting costs... remember we had to go stuff envelopes because we're trying to cut costs... and you feel the need to do all of your personal phone calls at work to save YOU a dime at home. You have a cell phone. Most people with a cell phone have free long distance... use it!
Tomorrow will be one more day of listening to how mom is guilting him. Then on Monday I'll get to hear whatever drama was created by actually visiting her. Can't wait!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
I'm not exactly sure what he does all day - work related that is - but I can tell you what he does most of the day that's not work related. And that's talk on the phone to his friends and family. And then when he's done talking to them he has to come to me or other co-workers to re-hash what he just talked to his friends and/or family about. The thing is, he talks VERY LOUD, so really we've heard the conversation already, well at least his side of it.
The latest drama involves his mom wanting him to visit this weekend since it's Mother's Day, his birthday happens to fall this weekend as well and he really doesn't want to. Of course mom is giving him a big ole guilt trip and saying that all of her kids are bad. These "kids" including my co-worker are older adults. A few of them have families of their own... anywho he keeps telling me how bad he feels because his mom is making him feel bad... I'm really starting to not care.
Then the other day someone in another department said they heard that someone was let go from our department. Co-worker was in my office when this was said. The rest of that day he was paranoid that they were going to let him go. I would ask "why would they let you go?" He said because he had called in sick one day last week. WHAT?!?! So our company gives you sick days but if actually use them they'll fire you... that's what you're saying? So paranoid. He finally found out what really happened it as a trainee from a training class... sheesh
So here's Mr. Paranoia about being fired for "calling in sick" but he has no problem being on the phone almost all day talking to his friends and family. AND it's all long distance!!!!! Hello... our company has been chatting non-stop about cutting costs... remember we had to go stuff envelopes because we're trying to cut costs... and you feel the need to do all of your personal phone calls at work to save YOU a dime at home. You have a cell phone. Most people with a cell phone have free long distance... use it!
Tomorrow will be one more day of listening to how mom is guilting him. Then on Monday I'll get to hear whatever drama was created by actually visiting her. Can't wait!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
New "friends" Blog
I was reading an article on MSN talking about soldiers keeping blogs. I'm so clueless, I didn't know that any of them did that.
I've read two of his posts already... wow! This is the real stuff (from what I can tell) no editing from the news crew etc.
So if you're interested I have added Eighty Deuce On The Loose In Iraq to my links on the right. Again I don't talk about politics and regardless if you support or don't support the war... you should support our troops!
Good luck AirborneParaInf82 and be safe!!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
I've read two of his posts already... wow! This is the real stuff (from what I can tell) no editing from the news crew etc.
So if you're interested I have added Eighty Deuce On The Loose In Iraq to my links on the right. Again I don't talk about politics and regardless if you support or don't support the war... you should support our troops!
Good luck AirborneParaInf82 and be safe!!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Come Back Here!
About 3 weeks ago or so we had a little "incident" and our door frame was broken. Everyone is okay, nothing stolen, everything is good except the door frame. We had one of our friends come by and look at it and he said he could fix it for us. He took Mr. M with him to Lowe's or Home Depot to find the piece we needed. He came over on Sunday with his wife, Computer Diva, and went to work.
Before they came over I took M&M to the dog park to run around and get a little tired so she wouldn't be in our way. When I got home Mr. M was working in the garage. So I joined him in there and had M&M on her leash and just let her sit in there with us. When our friends arrived he went to work on the door and Diva sat in the garage with me and M&M. From time to time we would go in the house to watch the door being worked on and M&M was relatively good. Of course the door is wide open but Mr. Diva was basically in the way so no way to really get out.
At the end of the evening when the door was complete there was a small period of time when everyone was in a different place and the door was left wide open. Of course M&M saw her perfect opportunity and took off! BAM! I heard Mr. M yell at me and take off on foot after her. I went and grabbed my car keys and the leash and went down the road. Diva and Mr. Diva told us when we got back that our next door neighbors were outside and started laughing at M&M taking off and Mr. M taking off after her. We finally rounded her up about 3 blocks away. Damn dog!
Plus the last few days we have had so much rain! Not that I'm complaining. Yesterday we get home and M&M had found the smallest section of fence that's not really enforced and... you guessed it... dug a hole! She wasn't as dirty as in this post, but she was still dirty. Sigh! At least this time Mr. M was at home to help wash her. And she knew exactly what was about to happen when we took her up.
Oh! And BIG THANKS to Mr. Diva for fixing our door. I really do appreciate it and glad that I can finally shut it the whole way and lock it! :-)
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Before they came over I took M&M to the dog park to run around and get a little tired so she wouldn't be in our way. When I got home Mr. M was working in the garage. So I joined him in there and had M&M on her leash and just let her sit in there with us. When our friends arrived he went to work on the door and Diva sat in the garage with me and M&M. From time to time we would go in the house to watch the door being worked on and M&M was relatively good. Of course the door is wide open but Mr. Diva was basically in the way so no way to really get out.
At the end of the evening when the door was complete there was a small period of time when everyone was in a different place and the door was left wide open. Of course M&M saw her perfect opportunity and took off! BAM! I heard Mr. M yell at me and take off on foot after her. I went and grabbed my car keys and the leash and went down the road. Diva and Mr. Diva told us when we got back that our next door neighbors were outside and started laughing at M&M taking off and Mr. M taking off after her. We finally rounded her up about 3 blocks away. Damn dog!
Plus the last few days we have had so much rain! Not that I'm complaining. Yesterday we get home and M&M had found the smallest section of fence that's not really enforced and... you guessed it... dug a hole! She wasn't as dirty as in this post, but she was still dirty. Sigh! At least this time Mr. M was at home to help wash her. And she knew exactly what was about to happen when we took her up.
Oh! And BIG THANKS to Mr. Diva for fixing our door. I really do appreciate it and glad that I can finally shut it the whole way and lock it! :-)
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
Memories - First Car
I figured I'd start a new item of memories.
I was sitting in traffic going to or from work one day and was thinking of my first car. Do you remember yours? Mine was a Vette.... Chevette!
It was this horrible brown color that was just nasty. Picture is not my actual car, but this is what it looked like.
I was sitting in traffic going to or from work one day and was thinking of my first car. Do you remember yours? Mine was a Vette.... Chevette!
It was this horrible brown color that was just nasty. Picture is not my actual car, but this is what it looked like.

I've heard of people who named their cars, I've never done this but this car did have a name for it. POSFH. I guess it was more of an acronym for the name I gave it:
Piece Of Sh*t From Hell!!!
I HATED this car! Had it my Senior year in High School (maybe Junior too, I might have blocked it). It was so embarrasing to drive around in this thing. When you tried to start the car it would make this horribly loud screeching noise. My friends dad was a mechanic and told me what it was, of course my dad didn't care to have it fixed. So I'd always wait till the least amount of people were around to try and start it. Especially hated it after track practice after school cause you're down there at the field and there's no getting around waiting to start it, unless you're the last to leave.
Then one time I couldn't even open my door. I had to go pick up my sister from her friends house one afternoon because she wasn't feeling well. So I go get her from the house, walk her to the car, but instead of opening the door for her and letting her sit down and get comfortable I had to crawl over her chair to get to mine and then she could get in. Yeah, that's embarrasing at school too.
I also remember that there was absolutely NO get up and go on this thing. So much so that I would pump the gas hoping I would get more umph out of it. I felt like Fred Flinstone could go faster than me. My sister, brother and I would go to my grandma's and there's this one section that has this BIG dip that you go down and then of course back up. I would go as fast as I could down hoping the momentum would help us get back up...
I still have nightmares about this car. That I'm on the highway pumping away at the gas trying to get it to go.
Did I mention that I HATED that car?
~ Wolf Lover Girl
More People Watching
Had to pick up Mr. M last week at the airport so once again got to watch people. Nothing very exciting this go round. The only thing that really caught my eye...
Lady coming from the gate area to the baggage claim area and she was chewing gum. I guess she didn't want it anymore so as she's walking by a trash can she spits it out. And misses!! She did hesitate for a minute like she might actually go back and pick it up... but she decided to move on.
I'm sure she'll be one of those who steps in gum that someone else left on the ground and will make the biggest fuss! People!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Lady coming from the gate area to the baggage claim area and she was chewing gum. I guess she didn't want it anymore so as she's walking by a trash can she spits it out. And misses!! She did hesitate for a minute like she might actually go back and pick it up... but she decided to move on.
I'm sure she'll be one of those who steps in gum that someone else left on the ground and will make the biggest fuss! People!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Classroom funny
I was telling this story to my best friend the Queen P and she told me I had to put this on my blog... so here goes.
I work in the Training Department at my company. Now I mostly just write materials and make sure our training databases are up to date. However I do eventually teach classes.
A few years ago I started a New Hire class. We use several systems and one of them holds all of our information on our clients. Although we're in class and working in a training environment I try to get the class used to signing out of this system every time they leave their computer. Because when they get to the floor if they leave it up someone could potentially come in behind you and commit fraud but it would be under their ID. Unfortunately this has happened so I try to get them in the habit as early as I can.
Well to help make New Hire a little more fun the class is split into groups. In the morning we do review of all the materials that have been covered and they earn points for correct answers. At the end of New Hire the group with the most points wins a prize. However there is a small catch, everytime you leave your computer and I go around and check and see you haven't signed off that one system you get points taken away from your group.
It's like day 2 of this 4 week training and I haven't gotten to really know them yet. Don't know all of their personalities yet, certainly haven't memorized their names completly. There's this one girl who on every break/lunch has to explain to me why she got something wrong or said what she said during class. Okay. So they go on break and I walk the classroom as I always do taking down names of those who forgot to log off their system. Of course she's one of them. Now I don't put it on the board who left their system up but I make it obvious to that person so when they get back they know. I do make marks on the board of how many points were removed from that team so the whole team will know...
So there's still time left in their break and this girl comes back in and notices that I took points away from her team because she left her system up. So she has to come tell me why she didn't sign off... Ready? :-)
Her: "I'm sorry I didn't turn off my system when we went to break I really had to go to the restroom".
Me: "That's okay, when Mother Nature calls you have to answer, just remember to log off next time, no big deal"
Her: "No you don't understand I really had to go to the restroom.... See when I sneezed a little earlier my tampon came out"
Me: ...... speachless.... "Um, Okay.... I've never heard of that happening before...."
Okay... now it's day 2 or something. I don't know you! I don't want to know this! I don't think that I would want to hear that from my best friend!!!
Oh... I'm not done yet. :-) So I'm out with my department some time after this class has ended and I'm telling my department about this. After the laughter dies down (except from my Director she's putting her face in her hands) the wise-cracks start. The only one I can remember is one of the guys (we'll call him Mark) says that her name is shooter. Because she sneezes and her tampon will fly out and bounce off everything like a stray bullet. LOL!!
So about a week later we're at our desks and I sneeze. Mark rolls back from his desk and looks and me and asks, "everything okay?" LOL!!!! "yep, thanks!"
Sigh. I stil call her shooter. I couldn't even tell you her real name now. Funny!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
I work in the Training Department at my company. Now I mostly just write materials and make sure our training databases are up to date. However I do eventually teach classes.
A few years ago I started a New Hire class. We use several systems and one of them holds all of our information on our clients. Although we're in class and working in a training environment I try to get the class used to signing out of this system every time they leave their computer. Because when they get to the floor if they leave it up someone could potentially come in behind you and commit fraud but it would be under their ID. Unfortunately this has happened so I try to get them in the habit as early as I can.
Well to help make New Hire a little more fun the class is split into groups. In the morning we do review of all the materials that have been covered and they earn points for correct answers. At the end of New Hire the group with the most points wins a prize. However there is a small catch, everytime you leave your computer and I go around and check and see you haven't signed off that one system you get points taken away from your group.
It's like day 2 of this 4 week training and I haven't gotten to really know them yet. Don't know all of their personalities yet, certainly haven't memorized their names completly. There's this one girl who on every break/lunch has to explain to me why she got something wrong or said what she said during class. Okay. So they go on break and I walk the classroom as I always do taking down names of those who forgot to log off their system. Of course she's one of them. Now I don't put it on the board who left their system up but I make it obvious to that person so when they get back they know. I do make marks on the board of how many points were removed from that team so the whole team will know...
So there's still time left in their break and this girl comes back in and notices that I took points away from her team because she left her system up. So she has to come tell me why she didn't sign off... Ready? :-)
Her: "I'm sorry I didn't turn off my system when we went to break I really had to go to the restroom".
Me: "That's okay, when Mother Nature calls you have to answer, just remember to log off next time, no big deal"
Her: "No you don't understand I really had to go to the restroom.... See when I sneezed a little earlier my tampon came out"
Me: ...... speachless.... "Um, Okay.... I've never heard of that happening before...."
Okay... now it's day 2 or something. I don't know you! I don't want to know this! I don't think that I would want to hear that from my best friend!!!
Oh... I'm not done yet. :-) So I'm out with my department some time after this class has ended and I'm telling my department about this. After the laughter dies down (except from my Director she's putting her face in her hands) the wise-cracks start. The only one I can remember is one of the guys (we'll call him Mark) says that her name is shooter. Because she sneezes and her tampon will fly out and bounce off everything like a stray bullet. LOL!!
So about a week later we're at our desks and I sneeze. Mark rolls back from his desk and looks and me and asks, "everything okay?" LOL!!!! "yep, thanks!"
Sigh. I stil call her shooter. I couldn't even tell you her real name now. Funny!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
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