Thursday, May 10, 2007

So much drama!

I have a co-worker, great guy have worked with him for years, but he is really irritating the h*ll out of me the past few days.

I'm not exactly sure what he does all day - work related that is - but I can tell you what he does most of the day that's not work related. And that's talk on the phone to his friends and family. And then when he's done talking to them he has to come to me or other co-workers to re-hash what he just talked to his friends and/or family about. The thing is, he talks VERY LOUD, so really we've heard the conversation already, well at least his side of it.

The latest drama involves his mom wanting him to visit this weekend since it's Mother's Day, his birthday happens to fall this weekend as well and he really doesn't want to. Of course mom is giving him a big ole guilt trip and saying that all of her kids are bad. These "kids" including my co-worker are older adults. A few of them have families of their own... anywho he keeps telling me how bad he feels because his mom is making him feel bad... I'm really starting to not care.

Then the other day someone in another department said they heard that someone was let go from our department. Co-worker was in my office when this was said. The rest of that day he was paranoid that they were going to let him go. I would ask "why would they let you go?" He said because he had called in sick one day last week. WHAT?!?! So our company gives you sick days but if actually use them they'll fire you... that's what you're saying? So paranoid. He finally found out what really happened it as a trainee from a training class... sheesh

So here's Mr. Paranoia about being fired for "calling in sick" but he has no problem being on the phone almost all day talking to his friends and family. AND it's all long distance!!!!! Hello... our company has been chatting non-stop about cutting costs... remember we had to go stuff envelopes because we're trying to cut costs... and you feel the need to do all of your personal phone calls at work to save YOU a dime at home. You have a cell phone. Most people with a cell phone have free long distance... use it!

Tomorrow will be one more day of listening to how mom is guilting him. Then on Monday I'll get to hear whatever drama was created by actually visiting her. Can't wait!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

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