Wednesday, May 30, 2007

10 days in a row

Okay, I'm about done with the rain! I was watching our local news and they mentioned we've had rain 10 days in a row. Supposedly it will be dry Thu/Fri/Sat and then rain again on Sunday.

I tell you what it was nasty today. Where I sit at work there are no windows. I was going to the restroom and I could see the windows and it was pitch black outside! I went to take a look and it was just incredible how dark it was. It looked like I was working at midnight. Of course the first thing I think - my dog!

We've not yet bought our prissy little dog a doghouse yet to take cover from the rain. And well she got away - again! sigh.

So the guy who had her gave me his address but we ended up meeting between the both of us. I did look up his address before we met and it was over 7 miles away, past a major highway. One of my friends mentioned that maybe they found her closer to my home and they just took her to their home. So I asked this when we met.

Nope!! She actually walked, ran, jogged whatever to their side of town. The wife had the door open getting ready to go, turned around to do something, turned back around and there was M&M inside their house. They also have a husky so she decided to keep M&M and put her with their dog. M&M being the big mean dog she is (so not) started fighting with their dog (which they told me is much bigger than M&M).

When I drove home with her she wasn't as hyper in my car as she normally is. When we got home she went straight to the water bowl. And she's been laying down ever since. Even when Mr. M came in the door she just laid there. I guess walking over 7 miles kind of wears you out.

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Jess said...

Oh my gosh!! It's good that she wasn't hurt, especially crossing the main roads! Poor thing...glad you got her back home!

Anonymous said...

Me too! I keep looking at the map I printed to show me where the guy lives and I just can't believe she went all the way there. She was so bummed last night and just kept lying around. We let her stay inside today, poor spoiled thing.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Art Performance Picks said...

You should change this site to the missing-adventures of M&M!!!!

Wolf Lover Girl said...

LOL, that's funny. It feels like I should. :-)

~ Wolf Lover Girl