Monday, January 1, 2007

Truth or Fiction?

Ah! I love it when friends and family send me emails of all these "did you see this?" "look at what this celebrity is doing..." blah blah blah. And just because it came in an email they think it's true.

For example I got this one about Robin Williams and something about the war. I've received it many times. Now it's one of my rules that I don't talk about politics or religion when I'm with family or friends. I just think they are bad subjects and too much debate that I think not everyone knows the whole truth on. And I'm not saying I know anymore than anyone else, so that's why I don't speak I just sit there. Which brings me to the emails. I'll do either do 1 of 2 things.

1. Just don't reply to them. I glance at the email. Laugh. And delete while shaking my head.

2. I'll look it up on this great website,, to see if it's real or not. And if it's not I might reply back to you with the link to that particular story. Now sometimes I've done the "reply all" so everyone you sent that message to will see that it's false, but I don't always want to piss everyone off so I might just "reply to sender".

So before you forward that message on saying that Denzel Washington gave millions of dollars to some hospital to build a building for families of soldiers, (which by the way is half true, go to the website and do a search for Denzel Washington if you're interested), go to, save it to your favorites, check out the story and then decided accordingly how you'll forward or respond to your message.

~ Wolf Lover Girl.


Anonymous said... is awesome. I use as well, and they have some good information there too. It's amazing the things you learn when you go and look up those chain letters, eh? :)

Wolf Lover Girl said...

I like snopes too!

Art Performance Picks said...

My Mom used to believe every urban legend she read in her email. Now has turned her into a true skeptic.