Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I had to get gas this afternoon and was SO excited that it was $3.95 only because I saw stations down the street already over $4!! Yep, unbelievable to think I was happy about this price.

What was REALLY UNbelievable was the lady who pulled in next to me. Got out of her car - that was still left running - and started to fill up. I kept thinking to myself "I hope she doesn't create a spark cause I really don't wanna go up in flames".

I also looked around at all the warning signs and truthfully I didn't see one that said you had to turn your car off before pumping. It does say no cell phones.

So she filled up with her 2 gallons or so and left. And I'm still alive! :-)

~ Wolf Lover Girl

1 comment:

"Z" said...

Gas stations bring out the best in us all. Don't you think? QT and Racetrack on 380 went up from $3.88 to $3.92 yesterday. Today it went down to $3.91. Maybe I should start a "price tally" tag in my blog. Oh, and yes.. I too think it's sad that we feel happy to pay these prices when we see it somewhere else for just a couple cents more. Very sad...