Monday, July 7, 2008

It must be true!

Most people who know me know that I do not discuss religion or politics. And although I'm not really going to discuss it here I just want to discuss the constant emails I recieve about one person in general - Barack Obama.

Now before I get started I want to back up a little. A few months back Mr. M and I were at a dinner party with a few friends. And of course since the presidential thing is around the corner that was a topic of discussion. As I normally do I just sit there and listen not offering anything to the topic when one of the questions asked was, "so who do you want as president first, a woman or a black man?" They discussed and I sat. The lady of the house then asked me what I thought and I said "I don't discuss politics" She said, "well you have to have an opinion, a woman or a black man" to which I replied, "I thought the president was based on their qualification not their gender or race" I wasn't bugged again.

Now back to Obama. I'm tired of the constant emails that go around with ALL this information about him. And do most people actually look this stuff up or do they think that just because they received something in an email and it came from the internet that its automatically true. Then of course they send to everyone in their address book lecturing "don't vote for him"... Granted I do not endorse any of the candidates. As a matter of fact I am not registered to vote.

Here, check out, they have all sorts of information about all of your Presidential candidates but I'm highlighting the most common email I receive. Obama is Muslim! And guess what? It's Fiction!!!!

But let's just say he was Muslim? Who cares? Just because he isn't part of YOUR religion doesn't make him a bad guy. And do you really think that he's going to start doing things based on his religion if he makes it to the White House? Really? What about Bush? He's a Christian/Baptist... did he go tell everyone they need to believe in God and get saved and baptised or they'll all go to Hell? NO! He ran the Country - that's what the President does.

So before you take all those emails and forward them to others believing them to be true, check it out first. Granted pieces might be true but most of it isn't. I've mentioned one website above but you can also check out, its basically the same thing.

Now good emailing to ya! And for those of you voting - do it wisely.

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Jess said...

This never ceases to amaze me. It's just plain laziness. If you really want to know who's the better candidate for you, and if you're going to vote for your own darn research, people! Don't let anyone tell you what to think!

Thankfully, I don't get those forwards anymore...probably because I have a nasty habit of "replying to all" with a smackdown very similar to what you've just written here :)

"Z" said...

I haven't gotten anything from any candidate this time around... wait take that back I think I got a couple things from the Hilary campaign. However I STILL get things from Kerry. When will it end... When will it end?!?!?

Knatolee said...

Well said! Too many people believe anything they see in an email... but then again, too many people believe anything they see on TV, too!