Saturday, July 19, 2008


Went to watch a movie yesterday after work (more on that in a minute) and as we're sitting there watching all the warnings and stuff they FINALLY have a new one that mentions NO TEXT MESSAGING DURING THE MOVIE!!!! I've been wondering for a long time when they were going to catch on to this. Of course I did have this idiot one seat over from me pull his out a couple of times. He had one more chance before I went off on him. But I was already pissed off at him for another reason. Why?

Well we went to watch the highly anticipated Batman. Mr. M and I usually always go on the Friday of openings for new movies but we also catch early movies on Friday because they're less crowded. We didn't plan accordingly for this movie. We had our friend, Z, join us and we couldn't find 3 seats together. So Mr. M and I sat together and Z sat at the end of our row. About 5 minutes before the movie started the chic who was sitting next to me got up and left. I KNEW she moved to another seat somewhere else (maybe I stunk?) but I didn't want to assume. So I asked the guy if she was with them - basically trying to figure out if she was coming back. If not I wanted to tell Z to move down by us. He said she was coming back. Liar!

But about the Batman!!! I've been wanting to watch it since I first saw it advertised. Way before the untimely death of Heath Ledger. I thought it was a very good movie. And yes, Heath was amazing! There were a few interesting surprises, but I won't spoil it for you! :-) So if you plan on watching it - get there early!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

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