Monday, July 21, 2008

Happy 200!

Wow! I've hit 200 posts today!

To celebrate I thought I would answer a few questions that Z included on his blog. Here you go Z...

1. When showering, do you start the water and then get in, or get in then start the water? Must start it first and let it get warm – then get in!

2. Do you read the labels on your shampoo bottle? Sure, at the grocery store.

3. Do you moan in the shower like the people on the Herbal Essences commercial? Only when I first get in and it feels nice.

4. Have you ever showered with someone of the opposite sex? Yes.

5. Have you ever been forced to shower with one of your siblings? Not a shower but I did have baths with my sis, of course we were much younger!

6. Have you ever brushed your teeth in the shower? No, I don’t believe I have.

7. Have you ever dropped your soap on your foot? Yes – man that hurts!

8. How old do you look? I guess it depends if I put on makeup or not. ;-)

9. How old do you act? Depends on where I am and who I’m with.

10. What's the last song you sang? I don’t remember.

11. Have you recently become a member of anything? No.

12. What are your plans for the weekend? Working more on the yard.

13. Do you kiss with your eyes open or closed? Closed.

14. What’s the sexiest thing about Condoleeza Rice? Hmm… never thought of her as sexy. My preference would be someone like Halle Berry or Nicole Kidman – they’re sexy.

15. Does anything on your body itch right now? I have two freakin’ ant bites on foot.

16. Who's the sexiest famous woman alive? See #14.

17. Who's the sexiest famous man alive? Johnny Depp.

18. Does every family have a crazy uncle? I guess so but I only have 1 uncle and he’s not that bad.

19. Have you ever smuggled something into America? I haven’t.

20. Does playing the guitar make a girl/guy more attractive? Not something I look at.

21. Do you live in a city with a good sports team? Go Dallas Stars!!! Oh and some really like the Texas Rangers and the Dallas Cowgirls.

22. Have you ever finished off the popcorn and ate the junk from the bottom of the bag? Yes. Depends on what junk you’re talking about. If it’s all the extra butter then no. If it’s the just almost popped kernels – yes, I love these!

23. Have you ever had sex in a tent? No. Usually if I’ve been camping I’m tired when I get to “bed”.

24. What about in a boat? No.

25. Have you ever dated a Goth? Nope.

26. Would you rather receive amazing oral sex or have amazing sex? If I had to choose – amazing sex.

27. Can you fix your own car? Nope.

28. Would you want to kill George W Bush yourself if you were guaranteed to get away with it? Wow!! I hope you’re not surprised when the Secret Service shows up. Regardless of how I might feel about the Commander in Chief I don’t think I would ever want to kill him/her.

29. Should guys wear pink? Sure. I think there are some nice pinks that look good on guys. The very bright pink not so much!!!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

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