Sunday, November 4, 2007

Time Change

Time changes are usually great, however when you forget about them it's not so great.

Yep, we forgot that the time changed last night. I remembered on Friday and ever told Mr. M that we needed to remember. Mr. M has an outstanding outing every Sunday morning with a friend. So this morning he gets up to do his thing and he calls me asking "what's the time?" I'm like it's blah blah, then he asks again "what's the time?" I'm thinking to myself maybe his cell was cutting out when I told him so I say again it's blah blah... then one more time he asked me "what's the time" and as I start to answer it dawned on me - the time changed last night.

So needless to say Mr. M was at his destination a whole hour early!!! And as he put it, an hour that he could have kept sleeping... hee hee.

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Lara said...

better that than to be an hour late, right? :-P

Wolf Lover Girl said...

Very true!

~ Wolf Lover Girl