Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Halloween - - - RUINED!

Okay, so let me back up a little...

I mentioned in a previous post that mom has been having a few problems. She's been having considerable pain and was waiting to see a Dr. Well on Monday afternoon she kept calling me like 50 million times trying to get a hold of me. Finally I called her back and she asked if I could come over after work to be with her because she was having anxiety attacks all night and day. So I did, stayed kind of late. She had an appointment with another type of Dr. on Tuesday afternoon to help her with this.

Tuesday: I got home and decorated a little in the front of the house. One of the reasons why I love having a new house is the fact that I get to participate with Trick or Treaters. Where I grew up it was kind of out in the country and there wasn't anyone who ever stopped by. Granted last year we did a lot of decorating but it was also in conjunction with a Halloween party that we threw. We were unable to do it this year because we couldn't afford it, we had helped mom out of a pinch which put us in one... so Mr. M didn't want to decorate. However he did take most of the stuff to work and used it at his cube. Mr. M was so upset that we didn't have a party that he didn't even want to do Trick or Treaters.... I did. So we already had a bit of candy and we bought two more bags to add to it. I had the bowl all nicely set out by the door ready for Wednesday.

Wednesday: I had a good day, our job participates in several different ways. Our deptartment decided to participate in the costume contest as a whole. So we all came to work in our PJ's bringing a stuffed animal and/or a blankie! It was a little wierd walking out the front door in my pajama's but I think we looked great. (although one of the ladies in my dept decided to take the whole pj thing a little too seriously... she decided not to wear a bra! ICK!) We'll find out tomorrow who wins this contest.

So I just walked in the door of the house and let M&M out to do her business when the phone rings. I figured it was Mr. M calling to say she was finally coming home but the display said mom. And something told me I shouldn't have picked up the phone... but I did. Mom asked if I could come over again, she was on new medicine and it was making her nausious (sp?), dizzy and light headed. Her neighbor was over there as she was talking to me. After a long pause I asked her, "How long do you want me to stay? Tonight is Halloween" Mom, "For a long time... Can't Mr. M take care of it tonight?" Long pause again and not very enthusiastically, "yeah, I guess". I mean it's my mom... how do I say no? Mom, "how long before you get here?" Me, "well I just got home and let out the dog, she has to finish her thing before I can leave."

I got off the phone and was royaly pissed. I was screaming and slammed something, I scared the poor cats. I went to my room to change into jeans because I wanted out of my pj's and just started bawling. I've been looking forward to tonight and now it's ruined!!!! I went and sat outside with the dog for a while because it was a beautiful day and I was in no hurry. She wanted me to stay late so why hurry?

Finally I left. I was a good girl and put on a happy face and acted like everything was peachy. I mean what's the use of telling her? She, right now, thinks it's all about her. She told me what had happened the last two days and the new drugs she was taking and how they did/didn't effect her. Then she had me call a pharmasist to tell them the story and ask a few questions. Basically it came down to she needs to eat when taking these pills. So we spent the evening watching tv and doing small talk. I finally left her place at 9pm. Halloween was officially over. Oh and Mr. M did not do the Trick or Treaters.

OH and to top it all off.... on my way to her house a little rock or something hit my windshield and put a little knick in it. So yet another thing on my car that I won't be able to fix.

I was doing good all night, although half my drive home I don't remember because I was just kind of in a daze. As I got into my neighborhood and seeing the decorations just pissed me off again.

Mr. M understood why I was mad however he told me, "you only have one mom and most likely many Halloweens left".

True, but I can still be angry!

~ Wolf Lover Girl


"Z" said...

Sorry to hear you had a bad night. Hope your mom gets to feeling better soon. If it makes you feel any better Jess didnt get to do trick or treaters either. She went to belly dancing class.. as you probably already know.. and it was kinda a dud here. I handed out candy but all of a sudden at about 8 everything just stopped. I had the spooky sounds going on the sirius and everything. All that was missing were a couple cold beers while I sat out there handing out candy. Then again, I guess it wouldnt have made a good impression so I guess its all good.

Jess said...

I'm sorry your Halloween was no fun. Mr. M is right, but he COULDA been a bit more supportive and at least handed out the CANDY! Hmpf. And remember: your mom is going through a rough time, but you need to take care of yourself as well. This is stressful on you too, so be good to yourself.

Art Performance Picks said...

jess is right...please remember to take care of yourself! Butterbean was sick for three days, but I couldn't resist taking him out on Halloween night. We went to church where we had a Holy House Party. It was actually pretty fun, but of course by the time we got home the fever, congestion and coughing hit your boy again. Look at it this way, now you can start focusing on Christmas decorations! Tis almost the season in like 50 days ;-)

Wolf Lover Girl said...

Thanks to everyone for all their kind words and words of wisdom and help. Both here and verbally. I'm glad to know I was able to "go off" and ya'll were still supportive.

~ Wolf Lover Girl