Friday, November 30, 2007

Bad Parents!

I just found this article on about people leaving their pets at their foreclosed homes. Now obviously these people really don't care about their pets. There is no way that I would be able to leave mine anywhere. My pets are like my children. And I know that most people who have pets think the same way. So if you loose your house are you just leaving your children there too?

~ Wolf Lover Girl


"Z" said...

They certainly wouldnt want to run into me. Chances are they wouldnt leave in the same condition. My blood boils when I hear something on the news about anyone abusing their pets.

Wolf Lover Girl said...

I noticed it didn't say anything in that article about if those people get punished. I mean people get punished for leaving their pets (or babies) in their car so why is this any different?

~ Wolf Lover Girl