Saturday, June 30, 2007

Damn June Bugs!

I'ts about 11pm last night and I'm sleeping and all of a sudden I feel something under the sheets crawling on my leg. I fling my covers off and jump out of bed tried to find whatever the hell it is. I move the covers around I'm searching. Finally I see this June Bug crawling on one of the pillows on the bed. I grabbed some toilet paper, grabbed the June Bug and down the toilet it went. I know, they don't do any harm but when you wake up from a nice sleep with a scratchy crawly thing under the sheets with you I'd like to know what you'll do....

Now when I did this I definitely woke M&M with a start. I had to let her know that it was okay. I didn't have to worry about waking Mr. M because he wasn't even at home. Where was he you ask?


Mr. M is officially on vacation for a week. He left today for Chicago to spend about 5 days with his buddies he used to cook with and they're all going on a canoe trip. So Mr. M got an early start to his vacation by leaving work at about 1pm Friday to meet with his friend to watch a movie at the local Movie Tavern. I found out that his friends brother-in-law was there as well, I like them both so it's okay.

Movie started at 3pm, they all met at about 2pm to get a start on the beer. When Mr. M came home before the movies he went ahead and put M&M outside because it wasn't raining. When I got home about 3:30 or so M&M had escaped. again. I did finally get her back (lady found her and was boarding her in her vet's office as she was getting ready to go out of town. I wonder if dog's have 9 lives like cats?) While Mr. M is watching the movie I also take care of getting our internet and phones back on (they had gone out Thursday night - same provider).

I guess the moview was over around 5:30ish or so but Mr. M wanted to still hang out for about another hour because he's on vacation and it's pouring rain so he doesn't really want to drive yet. Ok, no problem but don't forget your flight leaves at 6am and you haven't packed yet!

About 2 hours later (so about 7:30/8pm) I check on him and they are out at a pool hall. Mr. M asks if I'm upset. Well I'm a little miffed. It's the last night you're home before you go out of town for 5 days and your out with your friends instead of at home with me. He says he'll be home in 10 minutes and hangs up.

30 minutes later he calls back so we can talk. He's really having a good time and would really like to stay out. He's on vacation and he doesn't feel like it. Fine, stay out and have a good time. I still don't have your flight information for myself and he gives me his email account info to find it. I remind him that he leaves at 6am and you haven't packed yet.

I do discover that his flight is closer to 7am but still he's not home and he hasn't packed.

I go to bed around 10pm, try to call him to let him know. He calls around 11pm to say they're going to get something to eat then he'll be home. June bug incident happens. Mr. M gets home about 11:45 and all of a sudden realizes he has to get up in a few hours to be at the airport in time for his flight and he hasn't packed! Really? Shock to me. He's all upset because he didn't make the right decisions (yep) He should have come home earlier to take care of his packing (yep) He should have been home with me (yep). Of course all the yep's were internal. He apologizes. But he decides he would like to go to bed now because he's tired and half drunk. No problem with me. Only thing I have to do is get up and take you to the airport and go back to bed.

Luckily he goes to sleep quickly. Unluckily it starts thundering real bad outside and M&M is ancy. I kick her out of the bedroom.

The alarm goes off so early - 3:30am. I get dressed. Of course Mr. M is tired and a little concerned about packing. Luckily he did wash everything he needed on Thursday so it was basically thought out. Of course I help out in the packing.

Now the second adventure is whether or not his plane will actually leave on time as DFW airport has been backed up for days now with all the rain. He got lucky that they were kind of caught up now. Of course I didn't tell him as we were driving to the airport that his first flight of two today is on one of those peddal pushers. He did learn this at the airport.

His flight got out on time. He made it to his final destination and now on his way to his friends. I hope he enjoys his 5 days of vacation.

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Jess said...

These men of ours...I swear.

Did he tell you about the drama at the pool hall?

I hope his vacation is nice and relaxing.

Lara said...

june bugs! ewwww! i hate them, along with everything else creepy, crawly, and/or fluttery (yeah, butterflies and moths creep me the eff out). yuck!

honestly, you're braver than i to find it and kill it. once i found it i probably would have just run away to sleep on the couch or something. :-P

Wolf Lover Girl said...

Drama at the pool hall?????

I guess we need to chat.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Roz (Rozzana) said...

June bugs are definitely a pain in the neck. Annoying little bugs they are.

Glad to hear Mr.M's flight wasn't canceled.

I can only imagine what the Three Amigos got into at the pool hall.

Enjoy the quiet time.

Art Performance Picks said...

Once I was walking along a dark street, holding the hand of this really hot "rocker" type guy and a big ass June bugs flew in my dreads. I looked like Tina Turner on speed trying to get that damn bug out of my locks. Amazingly, hot rocker guy asked me out again!!! Must have been all that shakin'!