Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Pot Pourie

I just realized that I'm only 23 posts away from hitting the 100 mark! So let the countdown begin! :-)
Well tonights post will be a handful of different topics. Things I've been meaning to put out but haven't, let's get started.
We'll start with the latest celebrity gossip. Paris Hilton is finally in jail! And speaking of countdowns I really hope that we are not subjected to one till her release date. "Lawyers said that her first night went well, only 22 nights to go". Who cares?

I love to watch Entertainment Tonight and today they had an "article" over Prince Harry getting tired of all the rumors that he is not Prince Charle's son. WHAT?!?! This is the first I've ever heard this "rumor". Harry says that he's willing to take a paternity test to prove it once and for all but of course the "family" won't allow it. That's sad to think he'll have to live with that all his life. I bet it's being talked about even more this year on the 10 year anniversary of Di's death. Oh and I was really hoping that Prince William was going to propose to his long time girlfriend, they seemed to really be in love. I hope he doesn't end up marrying someone else but always thinking of her...

A few weeks ago Mr. M decided he wanted to make cookies from scratch (did I post this already? Oh well) I prefer the already made store bought kind so I can just eat the dough. We didn't have any real butter on hand so Mr. M decided to use the non-butter we have. Yeah as you can imagine it just didn't taste the same, we threw it away. But he did make one heck of a big cookie.

I planted some flowers last year that never bloomed. I actually gave up on them. Seems that they were still thriving in the pot and with all the rain and everything. Aren't they pretty?

Unfortunately I have a crack in my bird feeder so all that rain keeps getting in to the seed. And well now it seems that I'm growing plants inside my feeder. It's actually kind of gross. I wonder what the birds think. I did clean it out today before putting more feed in.

I'm on the 3rd book of the Little House on the Prairie series that I borrowed from my sister. I'm really enjoying it and going through them very quickly.

Our little C-Girl really loves boxes. Boxes of any kind. We were putting our waters in the fridge the other day and Mr. M threw the box down on the floor and C-Girl got right in it. So he put it up on the chair that she's kind of adopted and she's there all day and night.

Our other cat just loves the outside. When we get home she thinks it's her time to go outside while the dog comes in. We have a little system, Poo stands to the right of us as we open the door, M&M comes running in, we stand to the left and Poo swishes out. If she gets out there while there is still sun on the patio she'll roll over onto her back with her belly in the air. She'll lay like that for several minutes. But she's smart, if the sun is still out and she gets a little hot she'll find the shade that the chair makes and lay in it. If it's later in the evening you'll usually find her up in "her" chair and she'll stay there all night till we make her come in. Right now I'm having to watch her because I've got her and M&M outside. Not really a good combination, but they seem to behaving themselves so far.

Well I think I shall go now and do some reading. I figure I'll read a little and go to bed before 11 for a change. And maybe if I'm lucky, I'll get lucky.... ;-)
~ Wolf Lover Girl


Lara said...

wow, that middle cat picture just looks so decadent! must be nice to be a cat, eh? ;)

Wolf Lover Girl said...

I know, isn't it a horrible life they lead? Sheesh!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Knatolee said...

Your kitties are BEEYOOTIFUL!!!!