Monday, June 4, 2007

Pet Peeve - Motorcyclists

I had a fantastic weekend which I'll post about later but I wanted to do a quick post before bed.

Not that everyone who rides a motorcycle does this, but those that do irritate me. What I'm talking about are those impatient ones who think they're better than everyone. When in rush hour traffic where everyone is in stop and go traffic and they feel the need to ride in between everyone. And they wonder why we don't "look out for them". Sorry didn't think to look between me and the car right next to me to see if someone on a motorcycle was coming.

These people irritate me.

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Lara said...

i always wonder how they aren't terrified while doing that. i would be - constantly wondering if a car were going to change lanes right into me. so scary!

Art Performance Picks said...

Oh what would the Lover OF All Women think of your post!!!

Erica said...

I can't stand it when they do that either. Serves them right. They're not obeying the rules of the road.