Thursday, June 7, 2007

Those were the biggest balls I've ever seen!

I'd have to say there was something wrong with them. Ok, I'm talking about dog balls. I took M&M to the dog park and there was this poodle looking dog, but it was taller than most poodles, and I turned around and those puppies were just swinging around.

That dog had to of been in pain. They were the size of 2 fists put together and so red. Seriously I think there was something wrong with them and I wanted to ask the owner but didn't think it my place.

Catchy title though huh? :-) I'm hoping to make Lara's Sunday Google-age because they crack me up.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

1 comment:

Lara said...

ha! you won't necessarily make my google-age, 'cause no one will come to my blog by searching for that. but you may start getting some google-age of your own for that one... :-P