Sunday, April 1, 2007

People Infuriate Me!

I don't understand how some people can be so clueless and careless!

Mr. M and I just finished watching a movie (Blades of Glory which was hilarious!) and it's about 3:45pm or so. And it's shaping up to be a hot day.

We walk out and we see this chick (who should have the fashion police called on her - black top, big belt, blue jean mini-skirt, black heels with black leg warmers) instead I hope the real police or someone is called on her. She's letting her dog take a piss in the grass and I'm thinking to myself "we're not at PetSmart, why do you have your dog here?" So Mr. M mentions that maybe her and her man are getting tickets for a later show. So I tell him to stick around I want to watch if they go inside.

They do!!!! Of course the windows are slightly rolled down because I'm sure that is plenty of air for that poor dog while they sit in a nice air-conditioned theater watching a movie! I'm furious!!! I get their tag number and chat with the Movie Manager! I don't know if there is anything that she can do or not. But she mentioned something about trying to get a hold of someone.

I hope they come and get into her nice shiny BMW, get the dog, leave a note saying we've got the dog and you can come get 'em with a penalty charge of $500 or something like that. I hope they feel bad for what they did. Obviously not so bad because they wouldn't have deliberately left there dog there in the first place.

People are idiots sometimes!!!!!

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Art Performance Picks said...

what the hell...why would you even have a dog...? what was she thinking...? what if someone locked her ass in a car while they went in to see a movie? glad she doesn't have kids...or maybe she left them home locked in the closet instead of paying for a sitter!

Wolf Lover Girl said...

Yep I was thinking Flashdance had called and wanted their outfit back!!

I thought about calling the theater to ask what happened.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Erica said...

I hate it when a person leaves their dog in a locked car.

I also hope someone took the dog. The dog doesn't deserve to be treated that way.

Knatolee said...

Hey, good on you for going to the manager and reporting those IDIOTS. It's not like you live in Canada and it's January. Yeesh...

And apparently leg warmers are in again, which just makes me feel old.