Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Envelope Stuffing

As my good friend mentioned in her blog I'm one of those lucky ones who get to stuff envelopes. Yesterday was my first day to assist the existing staff. I haven't done it in YEARS and let's just say I was stressed as hell all day!! It seemed the day would never end. I did the minimum number of hours required and went home. I didn't check my email and even included an out of office advising that I didn't have access to my email. I figure if they want me to help stuff envelopes instead of my normal job then I'm not answering any questions related to my normal job while I stuff envelopes. I've also been told that if I have any technical difficulties while I stuff envelopes that I have to make up that time because we "must" have a certain amount of time devoted to the envelope stuffing.

I was back to my old duties today so tried to catch up as much as I could... And of course the day seemed to have ended before it started it went by so quick.

I'm back to stuffing envelopes Thursday, Friday and the first part of Monday. Yeah! And of course I will not answer one damn email. When I get my short breaks and lunch I'll come back to my desk... but it will be to surf the web or something mindless. I also have to hide when I'm out stuffing envelopes cause I don't want all these people coming by and saying, "oh my gosh, your stuffing envelopes? Why?" Go away, I'm busy!

Plus I'm taking next Thursday and Friday off so I will have Monday afternoon, Tuesday and Wednesday to finish my project that is due by April 15th. I hope they don't include any last minute information they want in there.

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Art Performance Picks said...

I hear those paper cuts on the tongue are a b*tch...

Jess said...
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Jess said...

Let me try this again...

Good for you! If they want to pay you your regular salary to stuff envelopes all day, that's their business. But no way should you be doing two jobs. You'll have to let us know how that big project turns out...