Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pet Peeve (and just disgusting) - Women's Restroom

I'm not sure if I've mentioned this before or not, but it happened again this morning so I have to say something about it.

Women.... if you are afraid of putting your *ss down on the toilet seat then use the little sheets of "protection" they provide for you... and then make sure it flushes down the toilet. Otherwise dangling above the seat is not recommended. AND if you decide to do this and you've "marked" the seat with your piss then CLEAN IT UP!!!! I shouldn't have to clean it up (and I don't I go to another stall). Obviously you're so concerned with getting germs that you've created new ones for everyone else who comes in. Thanks!

Just disgusting... bad enough I have to deal with men pissing on a toilet seat (okay not in the ladies room) but having to deal with you too?

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Lara said...

ugh, i totally agree. lately, i've been annoyed with one of our cats, who likes to take midnight swims in the toilet, so when i wake up circe 3am to use the bathroom, the seat is soaked with little wet pawprints. yuck!

Anonymous said...

now that will wake you up if you don't notice before you sit! LOL!

~ Wolf Lover Girl