Wednesday, April 18, 2007

What do you remember?

Tried as I could on Monday to stay away from the news it's very hard to not read everything I can about what happened and what the thought process was of that crazy kid. Unfortunately this will be added to our list of tragedies we will soon never forget. And as I thought that I sat and thought of all the other tragedies that have happened during my lifetime.

People often talk about "do you remember where you where or what you were doing when..." JFK was shot, or Pearl Harbor happened. I was too young for those but there has been plenty since. So here is my list of things I remember in no particular order...

The Challenger Explosion: I remember being in school. And I remember being mad at the teacher who won the opportunity to go to space because one of my favorite teachers, Ms. Henderson I believe was her name, tried out and didn't make it. Then the explosion happened and I remember thinking selfishly that I was now glad my teacher didn't make it. I was young and didn't really think of everyone else that was in that explosion or thier families.

From one space shuttle explosion to another. I don't remember the name of the shuttle, sad huh? But it's the one from a few years ago that exploded upon re-entry into the Earth's atmosphere. I was still in bed, I don't think I even know they were coming back. How often do they go up and down now that we don't really know about? Well I received a phone call to let me know. I remember watching the news of all the idiots in the area out picking up the pieces instead of contacting the authorities. I do remember watching the funeral they had for those on board, I understood this time.

Columbine: I was getting my oil changed and sitting in their little area reading some magazine. They had a tv that was playing whatever, then the news break came on and they were showing images of these kids jumping out of windows and running out of doors with their hands up while the police escorted them to safety. I'm thinking to myself, "at a school?" As the days went I was glad that I was no longer in school. I was glad that my sister would soon be out. What a crazy world we live in today.

The death of Princess Diana: I'm a huge fan and so to me this was a tragedy. I was sitting in my apartment watching tv when the news broke. I immediatly called my mom and asked her if she was watching tv, she was. I had to clarify, "are you watching a local station?" She was watching one of her British Mysteries (kind of ironic huh?) So I tell her Princess Diana is dead, turn to a local station and I hung up. Now I believe anyone in the spotlight is fair game to the shutterbugs. It irrititates me when celebrities cry about this, they (most of them) asked for the spotlight. I do not agree with them (media) being idiots to get what they want. There should be a little distance between them and the celebrity, especially if they have their kids with them.

OKC Bombing: All I kept thinking was all those kids. I'm not a political person, but thankfully that crazy man got the needle!

Branch Davidian stand-off: I remember this because I had just started working at my current job (April, 1993) when this was happening. The stand-off started before I was hired, I was hired and it was still at a stand-off... and then the fire! I was on break and in our break room watching tv and they were showing it live. I was the only one in there and I'm thinking to myself, "what the hell?" And then later to find out about all the children still in there when it went down in flames. I remember this incident every anniversary at my job (just celebrated 14 years).

Hurricane Katrina: I remember not being able to eat for several days after Katrina. I kept thinking of all those poor people stuck on thier houses etc that had no food. How could I sit and eat when they can't? I also remember the stories of people having to leave their pets behind because they wouldn't allow them in helicopters and stuff. And thinking that there was NO way I would leave mine. I'd find out some way for us to either survive or escape. But they are my babies...

September 11, 2001: I will never... ever... ever forget this day. I'm starting to tear up now just thinking about it. Sigh. I was wearing a brand new outfit. Gray-ish/silverish top, Long black skirt, black boots. I thought I was looking cute. One of the ladies at my job made a comment to me, "what, are you going to a funeral?" Interesting words considering what happened later that day. I was teaching my first class at my envelope stuffing company and today was the first day they were going to the floor to begin their stuffing. I stayed behind in the classroom because a few had to finish a test. The training room is right near the break room is and all of a sudden the tv was SO loud. I went out to tell whomever to turn it down. There was this huge crowd in there gathered around the tv, as a matter of fact they had brought another tv in there so all could watch. I ask someone in there what's going on and they tell me a plane has hit the World Trade Center. I'm thinking, okay what's the big deal? I figured it was one of those small little propeller planes and wonder to myself how the hell they couldn't see that huge building and avoid it? I go back in my room. It gets loud again and I go back out and the 2nd plane has hit. It took awhile before I got all the facts about what type of planes etc. To say the least I was in shock. One of the ladies in my class had very close relatives who evidently work in the 1st response units who go into catastrophes there in NYC. I tell her she can go home if she would like, I would understand. She stays as there's nothing she can do but wait and see. I don't know what ever happened to that person. Remember the lady who asked if I was going to a funeral? She grew up in the area, ironic huh? I remember going home that day and immediately putting out my flag. I went and sat out on a hill outside my apartment and looking at the sky realizing there was not one plane in the sky. This the Dallas metroplex, I can count up to 15 planes at one given time up there. I've watched the movies, not in the theater because I just bawl. I've even watched one of those conspiracy shows and some of it does make me wonder. I will never forget!

I'm sure there are many others within my lifetime but I shall stop now. To all of those at Virginia Tech... heartfelt sorrow and well wishes for some kind of closure.

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Lara said...

of the ones you listed, the ones i most remember are the death of princess di and 9/11. i was 15 when princess diana died. my brothers and i were about to play nintendo but stopped when we saw the story on the news. i cried.

on 9/11 i was still on summer break, just before starting my sophomore year of college. i was still sleeping as late as noon PST (3 eastern). when my best friend's mom, with whom i was living that summer, came to wake me up and i found out what was going on, i felt guilty for having been asleep - as if i could have done something if i'd been awake. i worried, and fretted, and cried. and at 1am, when i was still upset and scared and crying, i called my mom and told her i didn't want my brothers and people i loved dying in a war.

such sad memories, and things like the recent events at virginia tech just add more of them to the collective consciousness.

Jess said...

As dark and sad as a post like this's timely, unfortunately.

I get angry with myself for being addicted to the news this week. For some reason, I think that knowing more will help, but it really doesn't. And then I get angry with the news people for being so ridiculous, with their scary music and big "Virginia Tech MASSACRE" graphics and such. Isn't this bad enough without all the hype?