Tuesday, February 5, 2008

3 to 6 months

Mom has decided to no longer take her cancer pill. She's been unable to eat and feeling nauseated again. And now she's been feeling light headed and that makes her worry about doing things because she's afraid she will faint or something. We're not sure if its the medicine or the cancer that is causing all this or a combination of both. Plus she's still in pain so has to take her hydrocodeine to make it stop, which of course just makes her sleep all the time.

So she's decided she's not doing it anymore. It's not a way to live. So now we're trying to locate a nursing home that she can go into that will cook for her and someone can be around and check on her if necessary. Then when the time gets closer she can go into a hospice.

Mom talked to her cancer Dr. yesterday to let her know that she stopped the pill and asked for a time frame. So as of now they say 3-6 months.

I've now got copies of all her paperwork (will and such) and she's telling me to start thinking of things that I want. Of course me, sis and brother will be very civil in distributing anything that she has and any of us want.

Sis and I are trying to get her into a home that is closer to us (right now it's a bit of a drive to get to her place) so it will be easier to see her. Since she no longer has her dog she said she wanted a stuffed dog to "keep her company". What a perfect time of the year to request a stuffed animal with Valentines right around the corner.
:-) I did grab one today and I figure I'll give it to her when she moves into her "new place" as a little welcoming gift. He's sooo soft.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

1 comment:

Knatolee said...

Oh this is so hard... I really do know what you are going through. At one point after my Mum was diagnosed with lung cancer, they said "six months at most." As it turned out, she lasted 16 months and had a lot of quality time, which was nice, but her second line of chemo was awful and she stopped it, and that was a wise choice. It sounds to me like your mother has made the best decision, and I wish her and all of your family the best with this. Treasure every moment.