Friday, February 8, 2008

What a bad afternoon

Yesterday was so not a good day for me. :-(

I had a voicemail from one of the ladies at the nursing home/hospice that mom has chosen to use asking me when this weekend was good for me to help move her. Now this isn't really bad, it's a good thing cause we need to get her moved, but I just have so many other things that I need to take care of at my own home that I haven't been able to do yet. So I figured I'd call her when I got home.

Got home and getting ready to let M&M out. But of course I have to glance at the fence to see if it's still okay before I just let her out on her own. And well two panels finally bit it when the pole that was supporting them snapped in two. So this means I can't just let M&M out without being tied to something as she'll take off. So I go get her leash cause its the only thing I can find really quickly. Of course when she saw that she got all excited because she thought she was going for a walk or something. So when I took her in the backyard she wouldn't do her business. She just kept jumping around like, "come on mom, when we leaving?".

So I finally got her to pee and went back inside to look for the long "tie you up" leash that we bought awhile back so I could just leave her outside for awhile. Then of course I started thinking about if/when she needs to go in the middle of the night and when I let her out in the morning how it's gonna suck that I have to tie her up to let her out.

Then I went upstairs to discover a few new "gifts" were left. Yeah me! So I picked them up and tried to flush them but they were too much for our lovely "water saver" toilets so now that's stopped up.

This on top of everything else just made me loose it. I'm just at my nerves end.

Mr. M finally came to assist (he was with his friend "Z"). I tried to go to our neighbor to let them know that we needed to get this taken care of quickly because of our dog. They didn't answer their door. So we tried to call a few fence places, hoping they were open since it was after 5, and found one and they're coming this afternoon to take a look and give us an estimate.

So after calming down a bit we left to join "Z" and the Computer Diva for dinner (and some much needed drinks) for her birthday. I really think Mr. M just wanted to get me out of the house.

I was really surprised at how quickly I was able to get to sleep that night with everything swarming in my head. Hopefully this fence thing won't cost too much and can be done quickly.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

1 comment:

Jess said...

How'd the fence thing turn out? You've had a hell of a week...I hope you can relax at least part of the weekend!