Tuesday, February 12, 2008

No longer alone

Sis and I moved mom on Sunday into a Nursing Home. It's a good thing as I mentioned in an earlier post so that she's not alone. We didn't take much because we hadn't seen it before we moved her and we didn't know how much space she would have. And I'd have to say that was the only thing we didn't like is that there isn't much space. Well that and there are no outlets that she can use to plug in her own tv and a fan. There are 2 plugs on her side of the room and both of them are being used for her bed (machine things they use).

She does have a roommate and we expected that; however she moans all the time so that's a little annoying. The nurse was saying that maybe one of them could move to another room so it won't bug mom.

We did bring a few little decoration items and put them up as best as we could. Helped organize all her drawers to put her things where she could get to them easily. I gave her a little "house warming" gift - a cute little stuffed dog. She thought he was cute and of course he's very cuddly.

Before she moved we asked the social worker to find a place that was close to either me or my sister or in between both of us so it would be easier on us to see her (especially with gas prices going up). They found one close to me. I figure that I'll go and "kidnap" her on Thursday nights so she can watch Survivor and Lost with us. Be nice to get her out of there at least once a week.

Sis and I are taking a few days off work next week to go and clean out her "old" place. Of course I'm not really looking forward to that, but I guess we have to do it.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

1 comment:

Knatolee said...

I hope your Mom is settling in, and that they have found her a quieter roommate!!!

Any chance of getting a power bar for her outlet, so that she could plug in some of her own stuff?

Kidnapping her weekly is a great idea. :)