I know its been awhile since I've posted something. Can't really blame it on the holiday though, we really didn't do much. We didn't even decorate this year. I know real pathetic. We did have my sister over and cooked a nice Christmas dinner though. Turkey, dressing, gravy, yeast rolls and garlic mashed potatoes. It was soooo good. And truthfully the first time that I have actually done the turkey so I was kind of proud of myself.
I have (kind of) been enjoying all the time away from work. The only bad thing is I hurt my back on the 24th. I should probably make up something really cool on how it happened but I just can't do that. ;-) I simply bent over to pick up a shirt or something off the floor and my back went "kink". I hurt my back really bad about 10 years ago so I guess this is just a flare up from that. So I've literally been taking it easy the past few days. Laying around in bed or on the couch. Not getting things done around the house like I would like. It really does make sleeping at night difficult though.
Hope everyone had a great Christmas!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Paranoid Patty
Everyone knows one. And I'm sure everyone has one in their office somewhere. Mine just happens to be in the same department as me.
As our company was unexpectedly bought out about a year ago there has been the common theme from some "what's going to happen to us?". A few months ago our office did in fact let a few people go. Last Friday we had several big wigs here to discuss the future and any other potential lay offs. In the beginning we heard we would find out before the Holidays (Merry Christmas, by the way you're fired) but now we've been told we won't hear anything until after the New Year.
So my little Paranoid Patty has just been a nervous wreck for months. "What are they going to do?" "What if they lay me off?" "I can't take this...". And as I've told this person MANY times over.... there is nothing you can do. Although maybe what you can do is actually work and show that you are needed. Maybe less time on the phone calling your mom and every friend in the book to tell them how your most recent Doctor appointment went or what the results were. Seriously those can be left to be done when you get home.
Well Paranoid Patty was not here last week when the big wigs were in town. Of course this morning they asked me if I was. Yep. Did you see them? Yep. Anything happen? Well actually yes, they decided to go through everyones office of everyone who wasn't here that day. Looking in your drawers and everything. No they didn't. Okay, no they didn't. {but it was funny watching the look on thier face when I said it - I know evil}.
So about an hour later you can hear an office being cleaned out. This was an old office of one of the people let go a few months ago. It kind of turned into a storage room. What does Paranoid Patty say, "turning it into a counseling room?" AH sheesh! Seriously get over it already.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
As our company was unexpectedly bought out about a year ago there has been the common theme from some "what's going to happen to us?". A few months ago our office did in fact let a few people go. Last Friday we had several big wigs here to discuss the future and any other potential lay offs. In the beginning we heard we would find out before the Holidays (Merry Christmas, by the way you're fired) but now we've been told we won't hear anything until after the New Year.
So my little Paranoid Patty has just been a nervous wreck for months. "What are they going to do?" "What if they lay me off?" "I can't take this...". And as I've told this person MANY times over.... there is nothing you can do. Although maybe what you can do is actually work and show that you are needed. Maybe less time on the phone calling your mom and every friend in the book to tell them how your most recent Doctor appointment went or what the results were. Seriously those can be left to be done when you get home.
Well Paranoid Patty was not here last week when the big wigs were in town. Of course this morning they asked me if I was. Yep. Did you see them? Yep. Anything happen? Well actually yes, they decided to go through everyones office of everyone who wasn't here that day. Looking in your drawers and everything. No they didn't. Okay, no they didn't. {but it was funny watching the look on thier face when I said it - I know evil}.
So about an hour later you can hear an office being cleaned out. This was an old office of one of the people let go a few months ago. It kind of turned into a storage room. What does Paranoid Patty say, "turning it into a counseling room?" AH sheesh! Seriously get over it already.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
First Trip to New Orleans
Mr. M and I went to New Orleans for the first time. We had a really great time while there. We ate sooo much while we were there. We decided to try a cup of gumbo everwhere we stopped to eat. By far the best we had was at Acme Oyster House. We were told they had the best oysters, Mr. M likes them not me, so we tried it on our first day there. We took lots of pictures and these are just a few.

This is in Jackson Square. That's the St. Louis Church in the back with a statue of Major General Andrew Jackson in the front.
Of course the buildings are just beautiful
We're not sure why they call Vegas "Sin City" cause there were sooo many titty bars it was unbelievable. I guess so all the drunk dirty men have something to do.
I thought this sign was funny, so had to take it.
We did have one night of drinking. Bourbon Street is by far the place to be.

This is one of the places we stopped to have a few drinks. I had found it on the internet so it was definitely a "must stop". They claim it is one of the oldest bars in the United States. Very cool, no lights just candle lighting.
Neon Signs everywhere.
Even Hot Dog Stands! Not as good as the ones in New York City though. :-)

This is in Jackson Square. That's the St. Louis Church in the back with a statue of Major General Andrew Jackson in the front.
While we were there we took a Cemetery-VooDoo Tour.
Just some really cool stories about how they kept trying to figure the correct way to keep the dead people buried.
This is the oldest grave there.
You can see the "gifts" that people have left for her. We were told that if you made a wish and wrote three x's and then turned around three times she might make the wish come true. Supposedly you're supposed to come back and circle your x's if it did.... didn't see any circled.
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Time With Family
Mr. M and I went to visit my brother and his family for Thanksgiving. I really enjoyed seeing everyone under better circumstances than the last time we were together. Sis was able to join us as well. We played games, ate well and enjoyed each others company.
Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving.
One thing we did do while I was there was visit a known site where I live called Cadillac Ranch. Out of all the years I lived in Amarillo I had never visited. So we piled into cars and headed out for a visit. I was really surprised at how many people were out there. We passed some guy walking out who gave us his left over spray cans. We stolled down for pictures and a bit of non-illigal spray painting. Below are a few pics.
The only bad thing I hate about going out of town is we have to board M&M. But we really like the place that we found and we always buy her a few country walks while she stays there. I think she was really happy when we picked her up. I grabbed a few shots of her enjoying the wind in her face on the car ride home, see below.
As for the cats? Well they are very self dependant. Make sure the cat liter is clean. Have plenty of water and food around and their good to go. Actually I think they really enjoy having the house to themselves. We had one full day at home upon our return without M&M and I think the cats were just soaking it up. Here C-Girl is enjoying her very own home made box bed. :-)
Hope everyone enjoyed their Thanksgiving.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Our men in green - having fun!
Glad to see our men in uniform are having fun! Sound is a must
Click here to watch the "Cha Cha Slide USMC Style"
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Click here to watch the "Cha Cha Slide USMC Style"
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Dog Park Etiquette & Rules
As I sat at the dog park today with M&M there were a few things I noticed:
- Rule is if your dog takes a poo - pick it up. Now just because your dog poo's on its way to the actual enclosed fenced area doesn't mean you shouldn't pick it up. If you don't carry the little bags with you then go inside the park and grab one of the ones they provide for you, go back out AND PICK IT UP! Dumb *ss.
- Kids are not allowed inside the park. Not surprised when one kid who was running across the park was being chased by a dog. Kid kind of stopped, a little frightened, and continued on to his destination. Mom? Sitting on the bench talking on the phone. Clueless!
- So when the second kid, looked a little younger than the first, was being chased (by the same dog) I was surprised when mom finally got off her *ss to go help - phone still pressed to the ear mind ya.
- This is the first time that I've noticed someone come into the park with a bag 'o beer. He looked college age. Probably just turned 21 and just can't get enough beer. Or maybe he had a really hard day at work and just had to have one, even if it was at the dog park.
- And when you start to notice too many little scuffles going on its time to grab the dog and head out.
One nice side note though. They have done some nice improvements to the park we go to. They've added several more picnic tables and benches for us humans to sit on.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Really dislike
I'm really disliking this time change thing. I don't recall it ever effecting me so much as it has this time around.
By late afternoon in my work schedule the clock tells me I have one more hour to work, but my body tells me its time to go!!! Boy that last hour is a struggle to do anything.
And then it feels like at 6pm that its already dark. I have to make sure that if I want to walk M&M I do it earlier in the evening than I'm used to.
Seriously... what's the point?
~ Wolf Lover Girl
By late afternoon in my work schedule the clock tells me I have one more hour to work, but my body tells me its time to go!!! Boy that last hour is a struggle to do anything.
And then it feels like at 6pm that its already dark. I have to make sure that if I want to walk M&M I do it earlier in the evening than I'm used to.
Seriously... what's the point?
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
New President
Finally! The election is over!
As everyone has been talking about today, as I mentioned earlier and I'll say again... what a day in history. To think - America, "home of the free" - finally has an African American President!
I just hope that everyone who voted, whether for or against Obama, voted because of the "promises" given or the better of two evils and not because the color of the skin.
Whatever the case - Good Luck Obama, we the people of the United States, along with the rest of the world, is now watching.
Did I mention - Finally!! The election is over!!! The thing I'm most grateful for? No more freakin' campaign ads!!! YEAH!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
As everyone has been talking about today, as I mentioned earlier and I'll say again... what a day in history. To think - America, "home of the free" - finally has an African American President!
I just hope that everyone who voted, whether for or against Obama, voted because of the "promises" given or the better of two evils and not because the color of the skin.
Whatever the case - Good Luck Obama, we the people of the United States, along with the rest of the world, is now watching.
Did I mention - Finally!! The election is over!!! The thing I'm most grateful for? No more freakin' campaign ads!!! YEAH!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Fireworks from TRF
As promised, here are my firework pictures from when sis and I went to the TRF. They were shooting them over a lake, which you can kind of see the reflection in one of the pictures. When we were watching I didn't know if I was getting anything good. I was just snapping away with my new little camera and had some really amazing shots. I hope you enjoy!
~ Wolf Lover Girl

~ Wolf Lover Girl

We had a great time this year. The weekend before Halloween we threw a little party with our close friends. Everyone dressed up really well. Mr. M and I actually rented costumes this
year - we might have to do that again....
And since M&M had just finished her winter shedding we took her the day before to get a bath, brush, hair dry, nails trimmed, teeth washed and ears cleaned. She was sooo pretty. We got a special Halloween bandana, which she wore for the occasion.
It seems like we had more kids this year. Granted last year we didn't participate and the year before was our first one but since the nieghborhood was still so new I don't think many were coming around.
I think that since Halloween was on Friday this year that kept a lot of the teenagers away - maybe to football games? We had a few younger teens but at least they dressed up.
Hope everyone had a great and safe Halloween this year. Can you believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner?
Mr. M? The Joker! Fits his personality to the T.
And since M&M had just finished her winter shedding we took her the day before to get a bath, brush, hair dry, nails trimmed, teeth washed and ears cleaned. She was sooo pretty. We got a special Halloween bandana, which she wore for the occasion.

On Halloween night we had lots of fun handing out candy. My sister had given me some of those glow in the dark bracelets so I was handing those out as well as candy. Unless one of those big groups of kids came and I just did candy. We had a few little kids that were afrai
d to come up to our door because we had these 2 huge spiders - one hanging over the door frame and one in the bushes.

It seems like we had more kids this year. Granted last year we didn't participate and the year before was our first one but since the nieghborhood was still so new I don't think many were coming around.

M&M was having so much fun. We tried to leave her in the backyard so we wouldn't have to worry about her but she didn't want any of that. So everytime the door rang she jumped up and ran to the door - "People visiting us!!". Mr. M would hold her while I handed out the candy. So many kids were loving her "OH a snow dog", "wolf dog", "Alaskan dog", "sled dog"... it was funny. "Can we pet her? Will she bite?" She was loving the attention.
Then this little two year old came strolling up our sidewalk with his wagon (which was his "bag"). He finally got it up on our step and started walking in our house. We figured he was just going to pet M&M and all of a sudden he just took off up our stairs. His mom came running over in shock "I'm so sorry can I go get him?" We were just laughing, also in shock "of course". As she brought him down she just kept apologizing "can you tell this is his first Halloween?" I've never seen that happen before.
Hope everyone had a great and safe Halloween this year. Can you believe that Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner?
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Saturday, November 1, 2008
It Happened! Holy Crap!!!
You read it right! Gas is now at $1.95 by our house.
Mr. M and I were driving home from dinner and we passed a station that said $1.99. At first I didn't read it right and I thought it said $2.99 and I was thinking, "wow, that sure did jump almost a dollar." Then I looked at it again and I realized that was a $1 that I was looking at.
So Mr. M decided to stop by the QT by our house and it was $1.95! Nice!!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
You read it right! Gas is now at $1.95 by our house.
Mr. M and I were driving home from dinner and we passed a station that said $1.99. At first I didn't read it right and I thought it said $2.99 and I was thinking, "wow, that sure did jump almost a dollar." Then I looked at it again and I realized that was a $1 that I was looking at.
So Mr. M decided to stop by the QT by our house and it was $1.95! Nice!!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Ding, Ding... Round 4
About 4 years ago we lost Mr. M's mom... two weeks after she passed we lost Mr. M's step-dad... in June I lost my mom.... now Mr. M's dad has found out he has cancer.
About a month or two ago his dad discovered a huge "ball" protruding out of his neck. Supposedly there was no sign of this "ball" it just appeared. His brother took dad to the Dr. to get it checked out. They didn't really say cancer but they wanted to schedule an operation to get rid of it.
About a week or two later something was wrong with his knee and he was in so much pain that he needed major medication to make it go away. I forget what they said they thought that was, but they had to reschedule the operation for the neck.
Well today was the operation. They are saying for sure it is cancer. I'm unsure what all the details are so not sure if they got it all - I would hope so. But I do know they took half of his vocal chords which means he won't be able to speak more than a whisper.
As I said I'm unsure of any other details. But it really sucks to think that I was just starting to go through all of this with my mom this time last year (I remember cause I threw a fit that I missed Halloween). And of course the first part of this year was the stress of it all. Just as I figured the rest of our year could get back to half way normal (minus the holidays coming up) we now have to deal with it again.
Mr. M told me the other day that if he could have one wish at all - he would wish that everyone who had cancer would be cured and there was no more cancer.
I second that wish!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
About a month or two ago his dad discovered a huge "ball" protruding out of his neck. Supposedly there was no sign of this "ball" it just appeared. His brother took dad to the Dr. to get it checked out. They didn't really say cancer but they wanted to schedule an operation to get rid of it.
About a week or two later something was wrong with his knee and he was in so much pain that he needed major medication to make it go away. I forget what they said they thought that was, but they had to reschedule the operation for the neck.
Well today was the operation. They are saying for sure it is cancer. I'm unsure what all the details are so not sure if they got it all - I would hope so. But I do know they took half of his vocal chords which means he won't be able to speak more than a whisper.
As I said I'm unsure of any other details. But it really sucks to think that I was just starting to go through all of this with my mom this time last year (I remember cause I threw a fit that I missed Halloween). And of course the first part of this year was the stress of it all. Just as I figured the rest of our year could get back to half way normal (minus the holidays coming up) we now have to deal with it again.
Mr. M told me the other day that if he could have one wish at all - he would wish that everyone who had cancer would be cured and there was no more cancer.
I second that wish!
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What are the odds?
Okay so I was shocked when the gas went under the $3 mark and I actually saw a $2 on the sign. And again I was shocked when we actually made it under $2.50.
Today I filled up at $2.14. Is it possible that we might actually see the $1 mark? Wow! That would be so nice. Let's keep hoping.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Today I filled up at $2.14. Is it possible that we might actually see the $1 mark? Wow! That would be so nice. Let's keep hoping.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
I did it!
Mr. M thought we should register to vote this year. I really was not that interested but agreed to do so.
Today I voted for the first time in my life!!!
And since I registered AND voted I now have the authority to talk about Politics and the President that comes into office etc. Will I? Probably not. I just really hate talking about that stuff.
Who did I vote for? One of the main guys... ;-) I won't tell.
But it is cool to think that we, the United States of America, are about to make history. Regardless of who you voted for or believe in... we are about to have either our first female in the White House, granted she'll be Vice President OR we'll have our first African American in the White House. Isn't that the coolest?
I was alive to witness it - and yes, I helped with the vote.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Today I voted for the first time in my life!!!
And since I registered AND voted I now have the authority to talk about Politics and the President that comes into office etc. Will I? Probably not. I just really hate talking about that stuff.
Who did I vote for? One of the main guys... ;-) I won't tell.
But it is cool to think that we, the United States of America, are about to make history. Regardless of who you voted for or believe in... we are about to have either our first female in the White House, granted she'll be Vice President OR we'll have our first African American in the White House. Isn't that the coolest?
I was alive to witness it - and yes, I helped with the vote.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Last week Mr. M and I were driving around trying to find something to eat. We came up on one corner that had three pizza places - THREE. Pizza Hut, Little Caesar's and Domino's.
Of course Mr. M LOVES pizza but I'm not really a big fan. However I do really like Pizza Inn. I was mentioning to him that I wished we had one near us I'd eat there.
So as we're getting lost trying to find another favorite, Jimmy Johns Subs, and since we couldn't find it we were on our way to a mexican restaraunt. As we're sitting at a traffic light I noticed this little character dancing around by the street. I'm thinking what the hell is that? So I figured I'd look over to see what business he's advertising - to my surprise there is a brand new PIZZA INN!!!!! I was ecstastic!!
We pull around and pull up to go eat there. There are two ladies at the front door asking if we have reservations. Reservations? It was their pre-opening and everyone was in training and only those who had reservations were allowed in. Damn!!! But we did get two passes to come back for free buffet and drinks. :-)
We've already used them this week. Nice buffet.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Of course Mr. M LOVES pizza but I'm not really a big fan. However I do really like Pizza Inn. I was mentioning to him that I wished we had one near us I'd eat there.
So as we're getting lost trying to find another favorite, Jimmy Johns Subs, and since we couldn't find it we were on our way to a mexican restaraunt. As we're sitting at a traffic light I noticed this little character dancing around by the street. I'm thinking what the hell is that? So I figured I'd look over to see what business he's advertising - to my surprise there is a brand new PIZZA INN!!!!! I was ecstastic!!
We pull around and pull up to go eat there. There are two ladies at the front door asking if we have reservations. Reservations? It was their pre-opening and everyone was in training and only those who had reservations were allowed in. Damn!!! But we did get two passes to come back for free buffet and drinks. :-)
We've already used them this week. Nice buffet.
~ Wolf Lover Girl
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Texas Renaissance Festival
Sis and I took a wonderful weekend trip to the Woodlands, Texas - located just North of Houston. This was our first trip to the Texas Renaissance Festival and we had a blast!!!! We've gone many times to the Scarborough Renaissance Festival located just outside of Dallas but this is the first to the TRF.
For those of you not familiar with these Festivals its a medival times themed ordial. There is the King and Queen of England, jousting and lots of food and beer! And yes, we are one of those that dresses up.
Every weekend at TRF is a different "theme". We chose this weekend because it was "faery" weekend and we wore our new fairy outfits. I tell ya this place is HUGE. We only got half way through the thing. And we realized that next time we go it will be without the wings cause its a little hard to walk in the tight spaces of all the different shops side ways to accommodate the wings. :-)
I highly enjoyed my new camera that Mr. M bought for me just for this weekend. I got to try out all sorts of new things on it - close ups and the firework mode. And boy did it end with a wonderful firwork show! So here are a few of the 250 pictures that I took. Hope you enjoy! {I'll do a separate post for the fireworks - they turned out really cool!}
Back of Sis and her wings
The Royal Parade
The King and Queen at one of their many events
A Spartan? This one was for Mr. M - SPARTA!!!
Loved her wings!
Flowers in front of the lake
You can get married there too. This Bride was off to the chapel.
Great fairy couple - loved her wings too!
Close up of flowers with bee
Mermaid statue
Even Indians there.
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