Sunday, February 4, 2007

Doggie Lessons - Day 1

Finally!!! We had our first day at doggie school! How interesting was that. M&M is still shedding so there was hair everywhere... in my car, on our clothes and in the store.

Of course when she saw us get out the leash she was hyper. It was so hard to get her to be still while were there. M&M was by far the biggest dog there. The instructor has her dog there as a "model" of how to do things and her dog is a little big.

The things we learned today: We laid down and get the dog used to being touched everywhere - the mouth, ears, legs, tail - so that when they go to the vet they won't be so ancy. The second thing was for them to "watch" us. Basically get them to watch/look at you and they get a treat if they do it well. I'm sure this is so we can get them to watch us and then we'll do another command such as sit later.

After class we took M&M to the dog park since it was one of the first nicest days in a long time. There was this hound dog that was there and he was kind of picking fights on other dogs. And that bark is just so distinguishing. She was in heaven.

We got home and let her out in the backyard and she finally laid down and went to sleep. I think she enjoyed her day (okay, maybe not the training so much hee hee)

~ Wolf Lover Girl

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