Monday, February 26, 2007

Do they forget?

I work in a cubicle farm. If you too work in one, you know what I'm talking about. If you're unsure then you need to watch the movie Office Space... that's a cubicle farm (and a pretty darn funny movie!)

So only people who are Managers and above have the privilage of having an office - with a door that shuts. Now that's the key to this particular story - a door that shuts/

I think that people who have an office think that there is an imaginary force field that blocks any and all sound that comes from their office... in particular the phone.

Is it a requirement of having an office to answer and take calls with the speaker phone? Are you that busy that you can't hold on to the phone while you talk? If you are too busy then get off the phone. If you find it a requirement to be on the speaker phone - then shut the door!

I guess this one should go under the pet peeve section. :-) Oh and not that this didn't just recently happen (okay that was sarcastic)

~ Wolf Lover Girl

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