Monday, February 12, 2007

Dog Training - Week 2

Yesterday was the second class for M&M. She was better behaved than the 1st week, I think because we learned how to control her a bit more with treats. And she's pretty much done shedding so that was nice as well.

This week we learned to "sit" and to walk on the leash. Tomorrow I'll practice with her on the sitting and then I'll try and muster up the courage to walk her by myself. Mr. M is out of town, again, and so this might be a small challenge.

We did find out that we were putting her dog leash thing on wrong. I think she'll feel much better and react a bit better with it on right.

And one of the older couples in there gave us a great suggestion on how to keep her from digging under the fence to get out. Cayenne Pepper! They said to make it to a tea like substance, so it's not soo strong, and then spray it on the fence. I guess it doesn't hurt to try it.

The trainer also mentioned creating a separate digging area just for M&M out of a kiddie pool and different type of dirt than what we have in the yard. I had actually read about creating a separate digging area but I don't recall them saying to use a different type of dirt than what we have. Although it really makes sense, you don't want to use the same dirt so she doesn't think the whole yard is for her to dig in!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The cayenne tea makes sense. I never heard about the "digbox", I guess it's a take off of a sandbox.
It's worth a try though.