Saturday, August 23, 2008

Singing with Dad!

Our little M&M LOVES to sing with her daddy. We had her "perform" when Queen P was here a few weeks ago and she told me I needed to record it and put it on my blog. So here she is for your listening pleasure...

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Shelley said...

She definitely has a singing career ahead of her!!
P.S. - had to come over to your blog when i saw your comment on country capture's website because I love wolves and I love depeche mode. Too funny!
Come visit if you get the chance:

Knatolee said...

When I played that, the dogs looked at the computer like it was possessed! :)

She has mahvellous voice, just maaaahvellous, dahlink!

Chad Oneil Myers said...

Very cute!

...Thanks for your recent comment.