Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Not Cute Enough...

Okay I knew that the little girl who sang in the Opening Ceremonies was lip synching. It's very obvious and, well, reasonable in that particular venue for such a little girl.

However I did NOT know that the girl that we saw was NOT the girl who actually sang the recorded song. I found out here from cnn.com. AND its because she wasn't cute enough? What kind of a message are you sending to all little girls when you say this? I'm sure there is enough pressure on little girls (and lets admit it - us older ones too) to look good, be pretty, be thin, be whatever it is that it is "they" want it to be...

Just wrong on so many accounts!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

1 comment:

Jess said...

This is such a horrible message to send to such a young girl. She's obviously very talented - let her sing! I hope she grows up to change the world. That would show them all.