Thursday, June 26, 2008

Pet Peeve: Cell Phones

I know I've chatted about this many times before but sometimes I just don't get it.

I know its the day and age of cell phones but please people use a little common sense with them. Especially when you're at work.

Now I had my cell phone out on my desk the past few months waiting for the inevitable call for my mom, however I kept it on vibrate so really only I knew a call was coming in.

There is one lady at work who keeps her cell phone on her desk every day AND she leaves the ringer on. Her daughter calls her all the time so we always get to hear the lovely country song that she's downloaded. However if her daughter doesn't get her the first time instead of just leaving a voicemail or something - she just keeps calling back. Sometimes over and over and over and over again. OH! Did I mention that her daughter is 19 years old or so? Its not like she's a child in elementry school who might actually need their momma, no its an adult.

Come one - turn your ringers off!!

~ Wolf Lover Girl


~Brenda said...

Salty and I don’t have cell phones. However, I do have a couple of pet peeves myself.
For instance; whenever we are in a restaurant and someone at another table gets a call, that person will have a conversation and completely ignore the others sitting with them. I think that is rude.

One Sunday morning in church; a woman behind us had left her ringer on; which she promptly tuned off. I was thinking; that better be God calling!

Anonymous said...

Well the first thing most people would say is, "What? you don't have any cell phones? How do you survive?" :-)

I think its rude as well to be ignored by someone on their cell phone. I've had that happen a couple of times to me at my table while out for a bite to eat.

We had someones cell go off during my moms memorial. I thought wow you people are incredible.

~ Wolf Lover Girl