Thursday, December 14, 2006

Animal Adventures

I've been having a heck of a week with my animals and know that it will always continue so I'm starting a new section, "Animal Adventures". As of right now most of it is in regards to M&M...

We've learned that we must put anything food related away where she cannot get it. She gets into everything!! When she was in heat thankfully one of my friends told me about the doggie diaper. Basically its a cloth diaper that you put pads in to change out daily. If you've not had to do this yet DO NOT buy the doggie pads at the store, buy cheap store brand maxi pads for women - they work just the same. Anywho (here comes the gross part), M&M would reach under the cloth diaper and pull out the pad and eat it!!! Yep, you heard me right, eat it!! I know, disgusting. So I've also learned that I had to put something over my bathroom trash can because she likes to get things out of it and eat it. blech.

About a week ago she ate a washing sponge that we use to clean off the kitchen counters and table. Now what would intise you to eat that? Well it didn't agree with her, that next morning I found it again.

We just recently put a chip in her because she loves to dig and get out and run around and not able to find her way back home (yep, smart dog). And interestingly enough not 7 days or so after we had it put in its already paid off! Here's the low down on how my week has been:

Friday, December 8th: Mr. M and I are on the way to a local bar after work to meet some co-workers for a few drinks. On the drive there I get a call from our vet saying that M&M has gotten out and someone called with her information. Luckily the neighbors who had her were very nice and kept her for us until we were able to pick her up. Now granted, I didn't stick around the bar all night drinking while someone had my dog. I went in, had one drink and left.

Monday, December 11th: I work on the fence to help fortify it so she can't dig and get out. I used some "rabbit" wire to do this. I was able to get about half of the back part of the fence. The other half just has a bunch of "junk" in the way to help deviate her. I feel very confident!

Tuesday, December 12th: Stop by Home Depot to pick up more wire to finish up the back and maybe start on the sides. Also pick up a few groceries. Get home there is a note on my door, "this is your neighbor, we have your dog again, here's our number give us a call." EGAD!!! She's killing me. Again, they were very nice and understanding. And I know what it is, there's a puppy back there in their own little fenced up area and she just wants to play. My neighbor joked and said I should just drop her off in the morning on the way to work. I told them they'd probably start to charge be board. He also mentioned instead of fixing my fence (I mentioned I was working on it when I picked her up on Friday) that we should just build a little dog runway between our yard and their pen. It did make me think... By the time I got M&M back home it was already dark so no working on the fence. But I did cover up the newest hole.

Wednesday, December 13th: Well I can't let her stay outside while I'm at work I know she's gonna get out, so inside she got to remain. Ah! The live of an animal. I get home and she had eaten a whole loaf of bread. I - just - bought - that - bread!!!! I didn't put it in the bread box because I had just a little bit left over from my last pack. And dummy me I didn't think to put it in the pantry. Okay, maybe she didn't eat the whole thing, I think she left a slice or two. I got home early this day so out to the fence to fix it. I was able to finish up the back and start one of the sides. I guess we'll test it out tomorrow and see what happens!

And now it is today, Thursday, December 14th: the test! Well I wake up and come downstairs to let her out for the day (she gets to sleep inside at night, I know spoiled) and I find what I think to be runny poo all over the floor. I'm thinking that bread has come back to bite her in the butt, literly. But I've decided it's not poo, its puke. Only because it was projectiled unto the wall. So I let M&M out and go to get ready for work. There is no way I can clean this before work it's gonna require major scrubbing. I know, gross that I left it for a day. So I happened to pass by the gym and notice its in there too! Well it couldn't have been M&M because she can't get it. So now it's one of the cats. I'm pretty sure it was Poo. Okay so I know you're all wondering was my dog missing when I got home? Nope!! She was still in the yard and nice and hyper.

So that is how my week has been so far. I know.. stop laughing. And of course I'll keep you updated with all the wonderful animal antics that I'm blessed to receive.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

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