Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Please sign...

Okay, you know I love wolves... obviously my blog is all about wolves. And those who know me personally know my email address is even wolf related. Hell I have a dog that looks like a wolf (as close as I could get to not actually owning one).

Well there is a website that I found, Wolf Mountain Sanctuary, where they actually have wolves and people can come and see/play with them. (yes would be my ULTIMATE dream vacation, just makes me misty eyed thinking of the chance to see/play with a few wolves).

Anywho, I visit their site from time to time and I just checked it and discovered that there is some government sponsored campaign to start slaughtering wolves in Wyoming and Idaho. Of course before I put this on my blog I tried to look it up on Truth or Fiction but didn't find anything. So I can't completely say it's true. I haven't really taken the time to further search the internet.

However, in the event this is true I'm urging you to please sign their petition to stop this craziness!! Here is a link to their website that links to the petition. Thanks!!

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Jess said...

This, I believe, is true, and is part of the debate surrounding the fact that wolves are about to be de-listed from the Endangered Species list. Once that happens, any wolf pack (from what I understand) that wanders outside of federally-protected land (Yellowstone, for example) is fair game. I also believe there are some who want the government to "thin the herd" prior to the de-listing, which is interesting considering we've been trying to preserve them for the last ten years.

Coy Hill said...

Wildlife management issues are always difficult at best. Various people have different interest and concerns and government is always stuck in the middle. Myself being an eastern guy, I have no firsthand knowledge of the situation but I have been following it as wildlife management and conservation is one of my major interests. Having worked in a law enforcement capacity for the Pa. Game Commission for over two decades I do have some comprehension of what goes on in this type of situation.

The issue with wolves has all sides howling. First you have ranchers trying to make a living while wolves are pulling down their cows and calves. Of course this impacts income and if the predation is bad enough it could make the difference between profit or bankruptcy. Then you have the hunters who are concerned about the numbers of elk and deer the wolves are killing. They are using photographs and videos to show how “violent” and “inhumane” that wolf kills are to promote their view while their main concern it retaining all of the deer and elk possible for them to “humanely” kill with their arrows and bullets. Of course then you have the wolf lovers who want every wolf protected. At the crux of the situation is the intention of the USFW to delist the wolf from the Endangered Species Act. This would probably result in the states regulating the management of the wolf and could spell trouble for a species that many have worked so hard to restore.

Good luck in your endeavor and spread the word!

Anonymous said...

What a mess the wolf reintroduction is. On one hand there are those of us who love wildlife and on the other hand are the ranchers who don't like their herds attacked. Who is right? We both are I guess and a solution needs to be found. The problem with almost everything is there are too many people now. I won't even get started on my speels about that and what is being done to all the forest lands around here.

Like Salty said keep spreading that word!

Take care,
