Monday, August 20, 2007

8 Things About Me

I'm so behind in fulfilling my meme that I was tagged to do almost a month ago by Lara.

A. Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves.

B. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed.

C. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1. I love to sleep! If I could, I'd sleep all the time. But if I'm required to get up and do something I'm one of those that gets up and goes. No pushing the snooze button for me.

2. I'm always cold! For this reason I'm always wearing jeans (that and because I'm also very white and I don't want to scare anyone). Besides I'm a jeans and t-shirt kind of a gal.

3. Although I don't shave often, because I'm always cold and it becomes useless, when I do shave I shave the tops of my toes! Yep, I guess I have a bit of Hobbit in me.

4. I LOVE the smell of rain and listening to a thunderstorm. If I could I would open the windows everytime it rains, but Mr. M has really bad asthma and it's not good for him. Now I don't like to drive in the stuff because I've been dramatized by being in a very bad storm where the hail was as big as baseballs. One hit my windshield so hard, I just knew that another one was going to hit in that same spot and come right at me. I was so glad to get out of that storm.

5. I love reality tv. I'd have to say the two that I will never miss is Survivor and Big Brother. Mr. M hates it badly.

6. The only reason I can't wait for the summer is to make sun tea. I'll put out a pitcher with tea bags out on the front porch before I leave for work. When I get home from work I'll bring it in and add tons of sugar and drink this till it's gone and repeat the process. My sister calls this my "brown sugar water". It's such a Southern thing. But it does make the 100 + temperatures worth it.

7. I love the mountains of Colorado. Our family used to go every summer for vacation. Just the feeling of that nice clean air on you is very erotic... ;-)

8. I grew up with a very bad sweet tooth (see #6). When I was in High School I worked at a local amusement park in the cotton candy concession stand. I would just make the stuff and eat it right out of the pan. I'm sure my dentist loved me. Mr. M says I eat the weirdest candy. Right now I have a bag of candy that I bought yesterday. Mr. M was upset because it had nothing in there that he would eat. I think it has to do with my mom when she was pregnant. She said she used to eat sweets with me but didn't with my brother. He hardly eats anything that is sweet - not even cake!

Okay, now I have to tag 8 people? Man it was hard coming up with the above 8 list, but coming up with 8 people just isn't gonna happen. I don't know that many people who even have blogs. So here we go, those that I tag:
1. Queen Paula
2. Texas Grind
3. Computer Diva
4. Knatolee

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Lara said...

i'm totally with you on #3 and #4. :)

thanks for playing!

Jess said...

I did this! And I too am with you on #2 and #4 :)

Art Performance Picks said...

# 5...I can watch just about any reality show.Sad.True.