Sunday, March 22, 2009

Announcement II

As I mentioned on this post, we're expecting a baby! Friday I had a Doctor appointment and a sonogram was done. I had Mr. M there with me. It was his first sonogram. I think he was really impressed. The baby is definitely looking more like a baby than a "blob" every time I have a sonogram done. You could really see the head from the body and the arm. Just amazing.

The nurse kept pointing out things and I told her I just didn't understand how they could tell all that. She said "job security"... that's true!

Well we did find out... we're having a girl!!!

We do have a name picked out. Actually we've had the name picked out for a long time now. We both had a feeling it was a girl.

~ Wolf Lover Girl


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, little girls are so much fun! Our little granddaughter just celebrated her 1st birthday; she is growing up so fast.

Aunt Cheri

~Brenda said...

Congratulations on your little girl!

Knatolee said...

Aw, a girl! Yay!! Congrats. :)

"Z" said...

Guess its time for Mr. M to take some sharp shooter classes.