Sunday, March 22, 2009

A Present!

Our little Poo was outside today, as she normally likes to do when the weather starts getting nice. I went to check on her and she was at the door like she wanted to come. M&M acted like she wanted to go out. So I open the door, blocking M&M to allow Poo to come in first.

To my surprise our little Poo had a little present for us! A snake! Have I ever mentioned that I REALLY dislike snakes? I immediatly shut the door a) so she didn't bring in the snake b) so M&M didn't get a hold of it as well.

Now it was a tiny little thing but still. So I yell for Mr. M to come take care of our little present. I tried to grab the camera to take a picture of Poo and her little play toy but Mr. M had already gotten her into the house (without the snake) and then threw the snake away.

Not sure what kind it was though. All I know is ick!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

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