Friday, March 27, 2009

Work Update

First and foremost - I'm safe!

- everyone in my department is safe!
- everyone in our IT department is safe! (for those of you who might be wondering)

We did not receive word on Monday as we had originally heard. Everything started yesterday, continued today and continues on Monday. I feel bad for all of those who have to wait the weekend till Monday to hear if they have a job or not.

I have heard of several people that I know and work with that will not have a job. They stay on anywhere from 2 weeks to a few months. Not sure how they're making their decisions though.

It has been a very bad week and I'm glad its over.

The only thing that has really changed for me is that I will no longer report to the local office but our Corporate office. As of now there is no one in that position for me to report to so basically everything is business as normal.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

1 comment:

~Brenda said...

Happy to hear you have kept your job. Sad to hear those that didn't.