Monday, January 19, 2009

Where will you be?

I have never watched an inauguration before but I will be glued to the tv tomorrow!

Mr. M and I have decided to take the day off and watch all the festivities. I know that it will be showing on all the tv's here at work in our lunch room, but why watch it in there? Is that really a great way to spend my companies dollar? ;-)

Besides, this is history in the making. Although I can't be there (and truthfully I don't know if I would want to be in all that mess) I want to be sure to watch it - as it happens.

I need to see if I have any blank VHS tapes (I know, that's old huh?) and record it for a momento. Although I'm sure you'll be able to buy it somewhere on DVD once its all over.

Although today is the holiday, tomorrow is the day I've elected to take off.

One thing that I have pondered... why do we not have a President-mobile like there is a Pope-mobile? Would be great for parades such as tomorrow. Did we not learn anything from Dallas? (and I live in Dallas so unfortunately we get to hear about it at least once a year).

Good luck President Obama! Make us all proud!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

1 comment:

Knatolee said...

Hey, *I* intend to watch it, and I'm Canadian and never bother with watching inaugurations!! :) History in the making, I agree!