Friday, November 6, 2009

In Memory

My thoughts and prayers to everyone at Fort Hood, TX!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

It's a Girl!!!!

Our little Butterfly has arrived!
Born on Monday, August 10, 2009 at 2:27pm.
Weighing 6 pounds 8 ounces and just over 19 inches long.

Sucking her finger.

Daddy says she's going into the UFC... make sure those hands are up!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Not Gonna Sell it That Way

I always find it kind of funny when I drive by someone on the side of the road with their hood up (ok, that's not the funny part). But that they have some sort of "for sale" sign on the car.

Okay, you're trying to sale the car but you're pulled over with the hood up which obviously means something is wrong with the car - what's the phone number to call you right up and purchase?


~ Wolf Lover Girl

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Baby Room

We've begun transforming the guest bedroom into the baby room. Here are a few pictures of the process.

The old guest room - not much in it, but it worked when we had company.

Everything cleaned out and taped up. We're using two colors, purple on top and green on bottom. Of course Mr. M did all the painting since I'm not allowed to assist in my "condition". ;-) He did a wonderful job!

Here's the purple on top.

And the green on the bottom.

Tape removed.

Add the border!

Close-up of the border.

Next - assemble the baby bed! :-)

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

In Memory

After his battle with cancer, Mr. M's dad has finally passed.

Not sure of funeral information yet. Just know we're having it in Houston where dad lived and will spread his ashes out on Gatamora (sp) Bay where he liked to fish all the time.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

One Year

Wow! Today is the one year anniversary of my mom's passing. The time has just flown. I was glad though that I mentioned to her that we were trying to concieve. So even though she's not here she knew.

Love ya mom!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Baby Update

Okay, since my first post in many moons is a Debbie Downer how about another one to make up for it? :-)

Reason for my absence? 2 reasons - after working on a computer all day, the last thing I want to do when I get home is get on a computer! :-) 2. Usually I post during my lunch break at work. Most of this time lately has been spent working on baby stuff. You know, registering for all things related to baby. Looking for baby furniture. All that good stuff.

I'm trying to not be one of those people who is constantly "baby this, baby that". I know that truthfully people don't care (especially if they have no children etc). Now if someone asks me - I'll definitely let them know.

Now the one question that I'm for sure really tired of? "Are you having morning sickness?" Okay, I'm officially in my third trimester (eek, time has flown!) Morning sickness, if you have it, is usually in the first trimester. So no, I'm not - and truthfully I didn't. I got lucky. I did get sick a few times in the evenings, but nothing like I know others went through.

Again I know that some really don't care for all the details so here's a few tidbits that I'll share...
  • We're having a girl! Yes, the name has been chosen, actually we kind of knew we were having a girl before we were told so we only had one name picked out.
  • She's an active little girl. Kicking, rolling around, dancing... I don't know. What a very cool feeling.
  • We've started baby classes - makes me second guess this whole baby thing. At least this whole birthing part of it. ;-)
  • Haven't gotten one thing ready yet. Yep, this is freaking me out! Need to change the guest room (which is currently being utilized) into a baby room. Although the theme and furniture has been picked out, just need to purchase and throw it all together.
  • Baby shower is next Friday so will hopefully help out with the last concern.

So there you go, a quick run down of the baby thing.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Dad's Declining Health

I know, I know... it's been awhile. And although this is my first post in many months, it's not a fun and happy one... sorry!

I figured I would give an update on Mr. M's dad since the first time I posted something. He's not doing well. Mr. M's brother (we'll call him Mr. W) was doing a hell of a job taking care of him in Houston. Taking him to all of his many Dr's appointments, feeding him through a tube that's in his stomach etc. But it was getting a little too much for him to handle every day on his own. Long story short, dad was admitted to a hospice there in Houston. But still the sole burden was on Mr. W.

So about two weeks ago, with the approval of the Dr, we flew Mr. W and his dad to Dallas. A local hospice in Fort Worth picked them up from the airport and dad has been there since. Mr. W. has since gone back to Houston, packed up the apartment they were sharing and moved to Dallas and temporarily living with us until he can find somewhere to go.

Dad's health is definitely declining. His memory is starting to fail him and he's trying sooo hard to not forget things. He has everyone write things down for him, to the point that everyone's name is also written down "Mr. W - oldest son. Mr. M - youngest son" etc.

We had a small scare last Friday when we received a call from one of his nurses saying he had 36 hours left. We called one of Mr. M's aunts to let her know and she flew down that next day. Of course here it is Tuesday and he's still kicking. Telling ya, he's fighting! ;-) Not sure truthfully how much longer he'll win the fight though. I watched the same thing with my mom. In fact I was telling my sister that if he makes it to next Tuesday it will be exactly one year from when she passed.

Anywho, it's just hard going through this again only a year later. Here's another wish for the overall cure for cancer.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Friday, March 27, 2009

Work Update

First and foremost - I'm safe!

- everyone in my department is safe!
- everyone in our IT department is safe! (for those of you who might be wondering)

We did not receive word on Monday as we had originally heard. Everything started yesterday, continued today and continues on Monday. I feel bad for all of those who have to wait the weekend till Monday to hear if they have a job or not.

I have heard of several people that I know and work with that will not have a job. They stay on anywhere from 2 weeks to a few months. Not sure how they're making their decisions though.

It has been a very bad week and I'm glad its over.

The only thing that has really changed for me is that I will no longer report to the local office but our Corporate office. As of now there is no one in that position for me to report to so basically everything is business as normal.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Announcement II

As I mentioned on this post, we're expecting a baby! Friday I had a Doctor appointment and a sonogram was done. I had Mr. M there with me. It was his first sonogram. I think he was really impressed. The baby is definitely looking more like a baby than a "blob" every time I have a sonogram done. You could really see the head from the body and the arm. Just amazing.

The nurse kept pointing out things and I told her I just didn't understand how they could tell all that. She said "job security"... that's true!

Well we did find out... we're having a girl!!!

We do have a name picked out. Actually we've had the name picked out for a long time now. We both had a feeling it was a girl.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

A Present!

Our little Poo was outside today, as she normally likes to do when the weather starts getting nice. I went to check on her and she was at the door like she wanted to come. M&M acted like she wanted to go out. So I open the door, blocking M&M to allow Poo to come in first.

To my surprise our little Poo had a little present for us! A snake! Have I ever mentioned that I REALLY dislike snakes? I immediatly shut the door a) so she didn't bring in the snake b) so M&M didn't get a hold of it as well.

Now it was a tiny little thing but still. So I yell for Mr. M to come take care of our little present. I tried to grab the camera to take a picture of Poo and her little play toy but Mr. M had already gotten her into the house (without the snake) and then threw the snake away.

Not sure what kind it was though. All I know is ick!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

True or Not True?

Well the latest rumor around the water cooler is that we will hear something this coming Monday the 23rd. A few of us have nicknamed this upcoming day as "Black Monday". And a few of us have decided to wear black to work in anticipation.

Update: Heard it won't happen Monday, but probably Wednesday or Thursday. I don't think I have enough black to wear all week

I guess we shall see.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Great Day Out!

Yesterday was my birthday (I take monetary gifts, thanks! hee hee) and Mr. M and I took the day off. We slept in for a bit and then had breakfast at Crackel Barrel. Man I love their hashbrown casserol.

Then we had a Noon appointment at the Dallas Museum of Art to see the King Tut exhibit. We got there about an hour early so looked around the regular parts of the museum. The King Tut exhibit was pretty cool. We opted for the audio tour which gave a little more information than the plaques hanging on all the relics. The last 4 or 5 rooms had nothing but the things that were actually found with the boy King. If you go don't look for the big famous golden mask or casket, its not there. The three things I thought were the coolest. 1. To find out that there were actually 7 (or so) caskets/coffins in all before you got to the mummy. 2. The mummy has never left the Valley of the Kings. 3. One of the pieces they had on exhibit was a little game board that he used to play with and had buried with him to take to the afterlife.

After we were through with the King we met up with my sister who is currently working downtown. Now I didn't bring my camera to the museum because I knew there was absolutely no photography allowed. However I wish I had brought it cause sis took us on a mini tour of parts of downtown Dallas. We ate at a pizza joint (it was ok to me) and then just looked at different buildings and such. Besides having to stop every 30-45 minutes or so so I could pee we really had a good time. Oh, and she brought me a beautiful orchid for my birthday.

That evening we had my birthday dinner at Red Lobster. Man I love crab legs!! And was surprised by a chocolate cake with vanilla ice cream with a candle on top.

I really enjoyed my day!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Saturday, February 14, 2009

The Announcement

It was on this day in 2005 that Mr. M proposed to me. In April, 2006 we got married.

And it’s on this day that I finally let you in on our wonderful news! We’re pregnant! Okay, not really we but more me. ;-) We’re happily expecting our first child in August.

We’re both very excited. Mr. M has been wonderful to me. To the point that I’m restricted from doing chores and even as much as lifting the dining room chairs. I guess I won’t complain.

Of course now we have different things to worry about… buying the big things that a baby will need: bed, car seat… of course I’ve started looking at things online and for the first time actually went into the baby section at Target the other day.

I don’t have a “baby bump” yet but there are plenty of people who just can’t wait till I get all big and round. And no, I won’t be one of those that hide it. We’ve been working on this little project for awhile so why hide the fruits of our labor?

We’ve told our immediate family and closest friends who live near us. Of course both jobs know - at least immediate departments. I still have a few people at my job who keeps finding out. There are still a few long distance friends and family members that will be advised. And now you… my bloggy friends.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Rumor

There has been a rumor going around my job for probably the last year or so. The rumor? That our company was looking to out source. Now when this rumor first started it was assumed that it was for the front line employees. You know, the ones who actually stuff the envelopes. But we were quickly told that "yes, it had been looked into but that it was still cheaper to run the business here.

Well the rumor is back and this time I've heard it from a very reliable source that the higher ups are looking again - strongly. AND that they are looking to move the whole enterprise, probably keeping a few "key" people here to run things. Now when will this happen? Probably not all at once and "right now". We've known about 2 centers they are already looking to close so that will probably be the beginning. Then they will probably close others one at a time until we're all gone.

And where will we out source to? Probably India or somewhere like that. Isn't that where all the companies move to? Now I understand that the company is trying to save money... but come on! Are you serious? You want to let go all of your AMERICAN employees and move the jobs out of the Country? Yep, that's a way to help the economy. Give our jobs to someone else.

Thanks, looking forward to it and starting the countdown.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Got the Hookup!

For the longest time we've had a dish attached to our house to watch tv. Which really sucked because of course everytime there was bad weather or if the wind was bad the tv would go out!

Well no more! Verizon finally put Fios in our neighborhood so we could get Fios TV. We got it all hooked up today and can't wait to figure it all out. Besides the lower bill for having the tv, internet and phone there are two things I'm REALLY happy about the new Verizon TV.

1. We can actually record a show and watch something else at the same time. As a matter of fact we can record TWO shows and watch something else at the same time! Sweet!

2. If we record something downstairs we can actually watch it upstairs! This is great when you want to watch something in bed.

So glad to have the new Verizon Fios. Its gotta lot to live up to.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Thursday, January 22, 2009

What if?

I was reading this article I found on CNN about how the wife made her husband get a job delivering pizza just to support the family. It did make me reflect a little on how the admin employees in my company are still waiting to hear what the final verdict is on who has a job and who might not. Admin includes me.

We've already received a wage freeze (although the agents who actually stuff the envelopes did not) and of course insurance went up this year!

So what happens if I loose my job? My hubby will not have to tell me to get another job. I'll do it on my own cause I know that we'll need to continue our income to survive. I won't be too proud. As a matter of fact there is a new Kroger grocery store opening around the corner from the house. I'll apply there. Plus its closer.

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Monday, January 19, 2009

Where will you be?

I have never watched an inauguration before but I will be glued to the tv tomorrow!

Mr. M and I have decided to take the day off and watch all the festivities. I know that it will be showing on all the tv's here at work in our lunch room, but why watch it in there? Is that really a great way to spend my companies dollar? ;-)

Besides, this is history in the making. Although I can't be there (and truthfully I don't know if I would want to be in all that mess) I want to be sure to watch it - as it happens.

I need to see if I have any blank VHS tapes (I know, that's old huh?) and record it for a momento. Although I'm sure you'll be able to buy it somewhere on DVD once its all over.

Although today is the holiday, tomorrow is the day I've elected to take off.

One thing that I have pondered... why do we not have a President-mobile like there is a Pope-mobile? Would be great for parades such as tomorrow. Did we not learn anything from Dallas? (and I live in Dallas so unfortunately we get to hear about it at least once a year).

Good luck President Obama! Make us all proud!

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Just Disgusting!

{Begin Rant}

I watched American Idol when it first came out all the way to the end, and would even vote a time or two. Now-adays I enjoy the first part - you know the try-outs, and yes its to see the really bad people who think they can sing - and then I'll check back closer to the end to see how its going.

Of course last night was the Premier of the latest season so I tuned in every now and then (was really watching The Biggest Loser - which BTW I was SO upset to see the grandpa and the youngest guy in the bottom two. Should have been the lazy *ss who just made it above the yellow line. Take the $2,500 and go home and let those who really want to loose weight remain!!).

Anywho, one of the things they kept tempting you with was "the bikini girl". Of course I wanted to see what that was all about, especially when the two lady judges have a cat fight with her. I understand that it sometimes helps to have a gimmack of some sort to get noticed and get shown on the show. However the object of this show is to find people who can sing. That was, at least, until two men judges decided that bare skin, boobs and *ss trumped the singing portion of the show. Of course the two girl judges didn't like her but eventually gave in to letting her go to Hollywood. And truthfully? She didn't sing well. I just think its disgusting to think they let her go.
Typical! Disgusting, perverted men letting their "little" heads think for them.

{End Rant}

~ Wolf Lover Girl

Thursday, January 1, 2009